Opinion: The Average Bonobo Enjoys Being Treated Like Shit By Security Forces

Full tyari… Kenyan Police are also tayari fullu.

Indian police are full tyari… Kenyan police are tayari fullu

Hii maneno haileti shangwe lakini wacha tuone :oops:

This is nonsense. How do you start enforcing a 7pm curfew at 5pm? The president, their commander in chieth, ordered the curfew to start at 7pm, why do they have a problem following that order?

Nangoja korona ianze kuangusha GSU. Hao bonobo hawana protective gear. I don’t have mercy for policeman in Kenya. Let them suffer with their dilapidated houses.

Bullchieth kabisa but I wonder if Curfews really work. Because everyone is convinced including gangs. Like in brazil drug lords are imposing curfews. Wtf?? Let me get you that story.

Brazil gangs impose strict curfews to slow coronavirus spread
Drug traffickers in Rio favelas order residents to stay home
Fears grow over impact of virus on poorest Brazilians
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Caio Barretto Briso and Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro
Wed 25 Mar 2020 11.13 EDT
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Drug traffickers in one of Rio de Janeiro’s best-known favelas have imposed a coronavirus curfew, amid growing fears over the impact the virus could have on some of Brazil’s poorest citizens.

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In recent days, as Brazil’s coronavirus death toll has climbed to 46, gang members have been circulating in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) favela in western Rio ordering residents to remain indoors after 8pm.

Last weekend the low-income community – made famous by Fernando Meirelles’ 2002 blockbuster of the same name – became the first such area to record a case of coronavirus.

And in an apparent attempt to prevent further infections the Red Command gang leaders who control the favela have ordered residents to stay at home.

A video apparently recorded in the City of God circulated on social media this week showing a loudspeaker broadcasting the alert: “Anyone found messing or walking around outside will be punished.”

“The traffickers are doing this because the government is absent. The authorities are blind to us,” one resident told the Guardian.

A report in the Rio newspaper Extra said gang members with loudhailers were moving around City of God telling its 40,000 residents: “We are imposing a curfew because nobody is taking [coronavirus] seriously. It’s best to stay at home and chill. The message has been given.”

City of God’s gangsters are not the only outlaws attacking coronavirus in Rio’s densely populated favelas, which are home to about 2 of the city’s 7 million residents.

In the Morro dos Prazeres, gang members have told residents only circulate in groups of two while in Rocinha, one of Latin America’s biggest favelas, traffickers have also decreed a curfew.

“The gangsters have said that after 8.30pm everybody must stay indoors and if they don’t there will be reprisals,” said a street hawker who lives there. “I’m staying at home – filled with fear and smothered in hand sanitizer,” the man joked.

In Santa Marta, a favela that sits in the shadow of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue, traffickers have been handing out soap and have placed signs near a public water fountain at the community’s entrance that say: “Please wash your hands before entering the favela.”

“I think they wrote this for the addicts who come here to buy drugs, so they don’t bring the virus in,” one local said. “But it won’t work. People who live right up at the top of the [hilltop] favela sometimes go two weeks without running water. If people aren’t even able to feed themselves, how are they supposed to stay clean?”

Meanwhile, in some sections of the Complexo da Maré, a sprawling favela near Rio’s international airport, traffickers have told shops and churches to reduce their operating hours.

“Only the bakery stays open until later – until 11pm,” said one mother who lives in Parque União, one of 16 communities that make up the Complexo. “Nobody wants to go outside – first of all for fear of coronavirus and now because of this order.”

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In another of the Complexo’s communities, Nova Holanda, evangelical prayer sessions are now taking place outside the church.

“We sing our songs of praise to God from the windows of our homes, at pre-arranged times,” one resident said.

Other favelas in which curfews have been imposed include Pavão-Pavãozinho in Copacabana, Cantagalo in Ipanema, and Vidigal, further along the beach past the upper-class neighbourhood of Leblon.

Edmund Ruge, a Rio-based editor for the RioOnWatch news site which covers the favelas, said the imposition of curfews in some areas spoke to the Brazilian state’s longstanding neglect of such areas, which often lack even basic sanitation.

“[But] it isn’t the majority of favelas and it’s not coordinated. It is sporadic things around the city. It’s the exception to the rule – the rule being that civil society is really stepping up right now because they know that the state is not going to do it for them.

“Favela activists have been scrambling very effectively” to respond to the impending coronavirus crisis with donation and awareness campaigns across Brazil, Ruge said, pointing to projects such as #COVID19NasFavelas.

“It has been really impressive. The question is whether or not it is going to be enough.

It has to be done ruthlessly for a black ass to get it.Curfew was announced 2 days ago and people still got caught up.In Kilifi a person considered educated and knowledgeable has infected unknown number of people including those he closely work with.If it were you how would you deal with such person.Sometimes it has to be done that way

As long as people do not die. Or get lumped in some place where they are likely to get infected with COVID-19. They could worsen the situation even.

It is a tactical approach, it is the first day lazima raia atishwe kidogo aone hii kitu ni serious, sio ati hawajui curfew inafaa kuanza 7pm, so hio kuenforce curfew from 5pm inafanyiwa deliberately to send the message home.
Fom kesho the civilians watakuwa wame understand the seriousness of this issue, and they shall start working their timings backwards on when to get home.

During PEV this strategy didn’t seem to work very well. People can engage police in running battles you know. Especially when their source of livelihood is threatened or if the cases of COVID-19 become too many and the strategy isn’t working.

Unfortunately the D- materials don’t that into consideration simply because even the one being hounded was not bothered about the same initially


That was a totally different scenario from the current one.In this one the govt is not fearing that some opposition person is going to oppose this or that.

What happens if people have no food to eat yet they are forced to go home early and they aren’t even allowed to bury the dead. It will work in the short term but in 2 weeks itashindikana

I think strategy will be changed if the one being enforced isn’t fruitful. By the way, ever asked yourself why security forces like recruiting guys with little education or the kind who didn’t perform well in school, it is because this kind follow orders, hawata question directives za mkubwa like the well educated ones

People have the day to look for food.From 5am to around 6:30pm.I think govt took that into consideration

Unfortunately for the poor people every hour of the day counts. For the rich ni sawa. They have salary lakini maskini kwa slum atafanya job hadi 11pm. Those hours aren’t sufficient

Well the poor elects cartoons who at the moment have gone silent instead of asking govt to give stipends to them in such a time.The poor man me being one of them we are our own problem and in such a time there have to be a give and take from both the bourgeois and the proletariats.
The 5am to 6pm is when the poor man should be looking for food so that he is in the house by 7pm.This will give room for security to monitor the rich and mighty movement.Its them who can afford to travel and transmit the virus.Most of them are hiding from authorities to avoid quarantine

I support the govt watu wapigwe viboko

I wonder why some people like you have freedom, or even a mouth to speak and fingers to type.