Anyone here in an open marriage like Will Smith and Jada to explain how it works. Is it like swinging which is basically going to orgies or its everyone commits adultery but keep it on the DL so that your partner doesn’t know or do you ask for your spouse permission to sleep with the person you want to commit adultery with?
I can’t understand. Is it just flings or its polyamorous like if you want a relationship with the other party you incorporate them into your marriage. And what is the point of these types of marriage, is it to avoid monotony and boredom?
And how do you juggle? Having one man in your life is enough work, how do you juggle 2 or 3? Is it purely sexual and casual or emotional and romantic as well? To me it looks like a lot of work. Especially for the woman. Are there rules for how long you can stay with the 3rd party?
Ukimtaka ako open relationship she’s more available than me yet she’s married. No strings attached booty calls while her husband makes you dinner . Damn this world is going to hell in a basket. Why get married if you want to sleep around, si ukae single.
Sex therapist should not do sex tapes. That is like a doctor recording himself seriously sick in bed treating himself . Sex is about mystery. What kind of sex therapists shows people how she has sex?
From the performance on that tape, I can assure you that she lost alot of customers.
Nope not the same thing. Open marriages means both parties are going out there and coming back together if that makes sense.
Polygamy and polyandry are totally different animals. [SIZE=1]Wake me up when ‘polyandry’ is fully accepted in Kenya.[/SIZE]
YEZ but secretly. There will never be a time where a Kikuyu man will know his wife is getting some out there na anyamaze…atakuua mami. Yet he is at with with the mboch, the inlaws, the neighbours, family friends, anyone, anything na wewe kama bibi ujue na uvumilie…:mad::saitan:.
I used to think marriage was for the exclusivity but I am realizing that single people are alot less promiscuous than many married folk. I think that the exclusive nature of marriage drives people to want to rebel. Resistance. Breaking the rules. If the same people are divorced or widowed they would probably no longer find it thrilling to sleep around.
What messed it up for many is the belief the Grass is Greener across the Fence …
Grass is Grass …
Divorcees and some Widows are per Capita the Horniest Women around …
I wish I could share with you the number I have personally treated for STD’s … :D:D
:D:DAre you telling Reximba the underlined? dude posts piks of nude unfit women here all day and… he says he is a Dr/Gynae yawaaaaa. He said he’s seen Martha Karua’s knickers.:mad::mad::mad:
He should be struck off if he is a Dr.