Anyone in authority can deal with matatu fellows properly in one afternoon. Hii na housing ndio sector rahisi sana kuangusha mtu akitaka kudeal nazo. In Kenya, the only people who will straighten out our issues are Kenyans themselves. No single sector will ever make the government work on its own.
this militant thinking against civil protests is why jambas will go home early
Nope, when strategizing to deal with authority, you use brain, not brawn. The government is the biggest bully around the place, but not the brightest. Always have that in your mind. ALWAYS!
Just heard on radio, the issues they raised have been resolved after meeting with kanjo officials
You can’t drive freely inside CBD because of these asswipes.
Hio jam walileta ilinichelewesha delivery fulani yangu hadi saa nne usiku juu F8 ilikwama hapo globe.