It’s even worse kwa magazeti. Free education was a good and bad thing.
Na pia unafaa kujua coding camp will not be enough. You will need to arm your cousin with internet inorder to gain access to projects where he can use to further develop his skills.
If he/she has constant internet then let him/open accounts on these platforms. (mostly for graphic designers though has all categories) bit tricky sometimes on account opening) they have a quota system clustered in regions e.g article writers in East Africa could be given a certain number)
Please note that you don’t have to dowhat you studied. You can pitch yourself as whatever but ensure you have someone who can do that work perfectly. Be patient but be persistent in applications on the different platforms.something will give eventually.
As I am writing this I am in a tech session somewhere and we are sharing different experiences. Different people have earned different amounts only. One has just shared his earnings of $23000 in few months banked already. Yes, it’s possible. Easy? Naah.
I can recommend him some online courses like then try to join him here anywhere where freelance jobs are possible and that’s it. Like,,,, and that’s it or some forums.
If the person wants to learn coding, he can learn to an advanced level on the internet. This will also depend on the level of his/her internet access.
He can try Udacity or Udemy.
I’ll start my free online training for web and software development before the end of next month.