man,the son of the lake picked up a slay queen and hit it raw,
looked at her in the morning and man i know this is very unscientific ,but she looked like she might have aids,
no,her eyes werent yellow ,she didnt have rashes or anyhting,but…
you know those girls so fly that you cant even imagine that they ever go to the toilet?
this particular lightskin didnt fall into that category,
she just had a look like if aids ever caught someone it would be her,she looked like that kind of average person you went to school with and havent had from in a while,and when you met a schoolmate they told you that "“remember so and so,they died” and you say thats sad,but its not really sad,you just say that because it seems approppriate.
i decided to go to the westlands health center to take PEPS,
now i havent ever taken peps before,but i heard heard the horror tales,
I was told that one PEP tablet is as big as an apple,I was told that when u go for a dosage of PEPs they give it to you in a small sack,i was told that PEPs is not the sort of medication you take before a meal,or after a meal,I was told that the tablets were so big you take them as the meal.
so after a long queue,I was pleasantly suprised to find that a PEp dosage consist of 48 regular looking white pills,i was supposed to take two a day.
I went home got a glass of water and looked at the pills in my hand.
the mystique surrounding these pills was legendary.
I was nervous because i had heard of the potency of this pills.
aids defaetaed wamalwa,Are you joking with something that can defeat aids?
various mechanics had told me a pep pill ca jumpstart a car with a discharged battery
i had heard horror stories about the sideffects of these pills.sideeffects ranging ,from nausea to rashes to hair growing on your eyeballs.
credible sources had warned me that the sideeffects are so bad that some people stop the dosage halfway and say they would rather just get aids.
i canceled all my appointments,took a sick leave,said a prayer(out desperation, because i am infact an atheist).
i pooped the pill.
i have been taking them for 4 days now,and i have gotten absolutely no sideefefcts.
i am glad of this experience tho,
once a man surpasses a certain laycount .condoms just dont do it for you anymore,
in a country with an AIDS prevalence rate of 8 percent,(roughly 1 in 12 people have aids)how to not get aids and still hit it raw has been a real dilemna for me,
i have sufferend absolutely no sideffects from pep,but the doctors told me that PEP shouldnt be taken more than twice an year,if i like it raw they recomend PREp,a preventive pill.
man i cant wait to finish my dosage so that they give me PREP,fucking raw with no fear here i come.
“what about if a girl gets pregnant you ask?” well if shes fly ill keeep it,
if not…there is always the obado option