On Counterfeit,KRA Explains.... Long read

One misconception that people have is that all counterfeits are of poor quality. Some counterfeits can match the quality of the genuine product. The biggest problem with counterfeits is dishonesty because the counterfeiter is riding on the good will of the owners of the genuine product.

Indians dominated retail several decades ago. Then they discovered manufacturing and moved out of town. The few you see doing retail are remnants. That guy of powermax was a few steps from setting up a local factory. At this moment even with money, I wouldn’t dare set up any type of factory here.

Aliipeleka wapi hiyo factory? Hao wasee are taking over downtown vibaya sana

ati he was a few steps from setting up a local factory producing what exactly?cz last time i checked he has 1000’s of stuff so what will he produce and what will he import.kama unaimport genuine brands/goods imagine akuna mtu atakuuliza.and we usijaribu set up a factory leave it to the risk takers.utaona watu wakiingiza pesa ukilia tu.

Jamaa anajua biashara ya kuleta counterfeit pekee…

Fuata sheria

Mkubwa.most substandard goods were inspected locally since pvoc would decline issuing coc for the substandard goods ,i’m talking from a point of experience since i used to clear the mali mali goods.
There’s a pvoc body already denied rights to issue the the pvoc certificate after govt knew they were collaborating with importers thereby issuing unworthy certificates for non complaint goods.
Rushia mimi pass ya madeals ama niingie inbox

But the building is not done here!

Ok, so tuseme kuna game zilikuwa zinachezwa ndio cert zikuwe issued? Saa hizi sina deal hata moja, shimo zote zimefungwa. Unafanyaga clearance? In Sha Allah tukipata ujanja ingine I might need your help.

These are lazy traders and manufacturing requires a lot of hard work. They just want to import sell make profit and move on. Manufacturing requires some commitment patience and sophistication that these Kiambu and Murang’a types don’t posses.
Procuring raw materials, having a marketing department and allocating it a budget etc etc is too much for them.