Everywhereelse in the world, rich people know being fat is a ticket to being dead. They understand there’s more to life than pigging out at the food table. When will we finally catch up ?
the problem I realized is mostly worms and parasites, you over eat to satisfy them… ukiona mtu struggling to catch his breathe, fat, and always tired 60% of the time ni parasites
Mimi no matter what they’ll say, I am so contented with being a skinny nigga. The least I could do is get into gym and build muscles but I don’t have time for that, it’s for fuck boys kama @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii na concubine wake @Top-Gun . As long as my dick long, then I have no problem with being skinny.
You can’t be fully respected in Africa if you are not fat and obese. Especially in positions of leadership. They always expect the boss to be fat and have a bulging tummy. Otherwise they will be calling you kale kaboss ketu, kale kadaktari, kale kawakili, kale kamwalimu etc. Africans are real bonobos with non-functional brains.
Well, as long as you wont find me fingering my anus in the name of cleaning it because religion says so then you can be assured am not a bonobo, look in the mirror.