How do i post a ‘‘hot’’ ad. The ones where you pay
Don’t know but I found OLX to be so fake, after they discontinued my ads without proper reason. Reckoned I was selling an entire housing estate, while it was only ONE house. Then they asked me on whose behalf I was selling the house, told them I’m THE OWNER! Why they assumed I’m an agent before even bothering to verify beats me. So, they told me to repost the ad. By then I was so fed up, I deleted the app and have never looked at anything OLX since. I google something and find it in an OLX site I pass. Can’t even open their site anywhere, washindwe!
wewe ni mwizi kama wale wa westland ndio ulicatch mafeeling walipo anza maswali
I am a legitimate property owner. It’s not a case of feelings (za nini???) Those that have not are the ones that catch feelings. Are you a have-not?
My case is one of not entertaining sloppiness/mediocrity/slack (if you even understand).
Mwizi ni wewe.
Hot ads are the ones with the most views. If you wish to pay for an ad there is an option for payment as you post your ad. We appreciate your questions and comments
Hio ndio tunaita mafeelings… Pretty sure someone reported you as a fraud. Mafeelings zikakuonyesha wanakuonea…
How do you people track cons?
If you are conned just report the details of the person who conned you and we will ban them for life. We encourage our users to always meet in public places and to always go with a friend when they are meeting someone.
Before the last upgrade, when Olx ilikua na the yellow color, I can’t remember the color scheme vizuri. That time kulikua na paid ads where your ad could appear at the top. After upgrade sioni the top ads, are they not there anymore na what is the advantage of paying for an ad right now?
Nkt…This has got to be the most idiotic answer given by man since creation…
Ati you ban them. Alafu?
What do you expect us to do safety starts with you. Huwezi enda kuuza laptop kwa chochoro halafu utuambie tukusaidie. When someone cons you report take their number and report them to the police. More than that there isn’t much we can do, we aren’t an enforcement agency.
We have temporarily stopped the paying of ads until further notice. Sasa all the ads are free
OLX ni site ya wezi tu… n the f*ckrs are talking like Kamwana…" Ati sasa mnataka tufanyeje?"
The site is full of conmen and it behooves you as propriators or admins of that site to curtail the fraudsters by vetting, moderation and putting stricter conditions for Ad Ids(eg ID verification , registered numbers matching ids etc). Lakini tamaa ya pesa na lazy midsets yenyu haiwezi kubali mfikirie. Never ever can buy anything from olx.
Shenzi kabiiiiiisaaaaa @Starscream
How do you vet a person using an online platform? Were you vetted before you joined kenyatalk? Something’s just aren’t practical
Boss, this is sales platform and your site needs reliability. I stopped using Olx sometime back after noticing too many con ads. They just have a look. Cheap cars, Funny house pics where definitely they cant be etc… If one were to register an Ad pamoja na ID yake , na simu ambaye iko registered kwa hiyo ID id trust it more… Or when ones creating an account they include verifiable kra pin details… More trust. Those adverts are there so visible but mods dont do shit…
And yes, you may think right now coz competitors are fewer you have the monopoly but if an alternative came, youd loose business faster than you can say business. look at Jumia, I trust them. Im assured no conmen coz there is serious repurcusions for mis delivery or non delivery. Kwani hao sio online site? For longeivity, OLX needs to innovate on sustainability. A swots analysis so to say where the threts and weaknesses are looked at into details and risk management precaustions taken. Lipa consutancy fee … Otherwise sit back and just wait for the cookie to crumble.
@PepoPunda .We appreciate your views