This must be one of the longest road sections in the country where you just drive downhill. To make it worse you factor in the sharp corners near Dundori. But the area is very green and picturesque. Brake zinanuka but mafuta haitumiki Sana.
61 Kilometres?
Something like 35
you can also drive uphill ‘when going back’
This year wakati wa safari rally and subaru boys had blocked the highway wakitesa hapo vasha i decided to use that road junction. Niliingilia naivasha nitaktokelezea Lanet…It has good scenery but also lazima uwe na self control on the vehicle other wise utajipata 6ft under
Ulipitia njia gani from Vasha to Lanet?
Naivasha Nyandarua Nakuru road
Karibu na Delaware iko Ka njia pass by it unatokea murungaru then kipipiri, the olkalau- lanet
Alternatively njambini-olkalau
i guess it is the same road am referring to…Just after the place the traffic police usually have road block
Yes precisely. Na kuna ingine bado very smooth
Jaribu Iten- Kabarnet - Marigat.
Kwani gari yako haina low-gear? You only need to shift to a low gear to activate engine braking and avoid misusing the brake pads.
Niko na Nyahururu-Karandi-Mochongoi-Eldama Ravine road kwa bucket list. Have they finished constructing it?
Ya mochongoi ni noma … still on the works
Bucket list
Contractor SBI aliondokea kabla kazi kuisha
Barabara ilinibamba ni hi ya kuelekea kisumu ukipitia londiani na kutokea muhoroni. Chinese walifanya kazi Safi Sana apo.
I drove on it at night, nilikuwa napata gari iko 140 bila kujua yet I had my mum and sisters who complain about speeding (they were all asleep). Very good workmanship.
This is a beautiful road that was my favorite years ago. Almost no traffic and you could buy fruits, honey and goat meat.
Stupid unnecessary bumps. Nimekaza Landrover ipande mlima na 100 then suddenly bump kwa corner.