Oil Economics;Will it be a curse?

Not a good reason but other than the big cities, the other counties are peasant economies.

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We really need to plan well to rip maximum benefits from this project or else the oil stuff hold us hostage like Nigeria with civil war

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Probably the best way to make sure that the people of Turkana get their share would be to build facilities such as schools, from primary to university, hospitals, roads, clean water, housing projects, and then extensive irrigation to make sure almost everyone is getting food courtesy of oil. This should be provided almost for free. By that I am sure these guys will feel that their lives was completely changed and anyone coming to destroy that comfort would never be welcome by the locals. Probably that would take nothing more than 10% or 20% of oil revenue generated. The rest can be used by the central government. Problem is, this will never happen!

Hii mafuta iwachwe tu huko chini. We don’t want to see a scenario of Turkana getting armed to fight for secession because they have oil.

But if Turkana County wants some direct share of the oil revenue, they can take their grievances to the Senate for deliberation. That’s what we created the Senate for - to safeguard the interests of counties.

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My heart is saddened . This has totaled all the negative thoughts I had and verified them to be real. We are being raped sideways by our own leaders .

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UAE still depends on oil because it accounts for more than 30% of exports.

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Elder ,I always respect your opinions ,but do you expect anything valid to come out of Kenyan parliament/senate . Courts are 100 times more effective than legislative. Tell me one procedure that the Senate took and was against the wish of the presidency. .

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Kweli kabisa parliament and senate are just rubber stamps for the executive. There is nothing meaningful those overpaid slobs do.

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if we trash and dismiss these institutions as good for nothing, si we just do away with them?

The Senate is actually underemployed and it will be good if we start making good use of them - to get value for the hefty salaries and allowances we pay them.


You’re tribalist idiot

If you ask me to get rid of some of the institutions one will be mps, second mcas,3rd chiefs.

I always thought the guys at the Senate were sober thinkers but this changed after they passed a draconian bill that the parliament had passed. Can’t remember what it was all about.
As I predicted before, Turkana is going to be a war zone. These guys are armed already waiting for a daring warlord

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I don’t know how you reason.

The main point. For me what’s important is whether money generated from mining of the oil will be beneficial to Kenyans or to external parties only ( Nigeria and BP).
The issue on allocation is not as important and is easier to deal with.

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Lakini they’ve done a very good job of diversifying their economy. For most hydrocarbon-rich countries, they account for up to 90% of exports. Dubai is known more as a tourist destination than an oil producing emirate. Abu dhabi has also been playing catch up, promoting itself as a tourist and investment destination. Contrast that with Nigeria, where maafakas got lazy the moment they realized they had lots of oil. Some sectors like agriculture were totally abandoned. The infrastructure is also haphazard, with oil pipes in some regions crisscrossing farms like kanjo water pipes in Kenya. This makes it easier for people to siphon crude oil, which leads to contamination of the soil, apart from lost revenues. Meaning even people who want to do agriculture cannot do so. They cannot even use their oil and natural gas to generate enough electricity for themselves. If you look at an average Nigerian town and imagine the country is a top 10 exporter of hydrocarbons, you just feel sad. Yaani…


it should be simple…from.oil proceeds we should have a percentage (10 or 5) that goes directly to county coffers…wakitakakukojolea shauri yao. Another 10% of the oil proceeds should go to the community county funds managed by the treasurer. This fund should be used directly for uplifting education stds,infrastructure and the like in the short term.


I speak facts, if that makes me a tribalist then so be it.

I only speak the truth. Deep down you know it’s the truth.


The case of oil is indeed worrying. But we have to confront it one way or the other, and the sooner the better.

I just want to know the President’s reasons for reducing the oil sharing percentage to the county from 10% as recommended by Parliament to 5% and returned the bill for further deliberation.

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He is right actually. And it’s not about being a tribalist or bigot.

See what the Sudanese are doing with their oil money - balling shamelessly in Nairobi. We can even say Kenya has benefited more from South Sudan’s oil revenue than the South Sudanese themselves.

And if the county administrations are already embezzling the little billions they are allocated by Parliament, what will happen when Turkana starts getting sh250b a year from Treasury?


the national government is also stealing