Oh our mother land kenya -kalasinger Rai ni mtapeli

Yani this kalasinger amekua aki tufanyia wakenya wote madharau kiasi hii!!

This sugar is imported with labels “not for human consumption” then wana mwaga kwa go down kama cement for packaging!kwa matope!![ATTACH=full]179783[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179784[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179785[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]179786[/ATTACH]

Deport this khalasinga

I have always posted that Kenya’s multi millionaires and billionaires are not true capitalists but thugs nikaambiwa kuna matajiri wengi in the service industry…

huyu jamaa aende punjab wasee?

Alafu naskia eti si kenyan citizen!?ebu wee jaribu ku fanya hii nonsense pale India

Hakuna kitu atafanywa, si ata wewe unajua? Si mnajua tu hivyo nugu zanguni? We had a discussion some months back about why Kenyan Indians are successful, and the conclusion was that they work waaay harder than other Kenyans.

na si wale wanafanya kazi huko na wakenya tu,na hakuna Ng’ombe ata moja kati yao inaweza expose vitu kama hizi.Tujipende kwanza kabla ya kupiga kalasinga mawe

This is a war between cartels. You the gullible Mr. Joe Public are just being taken for a ride. What happened to the NYS 1 thieves?

Agreed.But what do you have to say about the enviroment of packaging.Do you deserve this as much as it’s a cartel war?

hii si naona Kama ni mchanga ?

Every country has its own Gupta…this is a classic case of state capture by corrupt businessmen with the help of senior politicians

He is a mbirrionaire who financed both Jubilee and NASA campaigns and will pay all those MPs in parliament committee…i like him.

Haendi mahali, si mliskia ni contributor mkuu wa chama, ata mwenzake wa patel dam si mkubwa alisema ni natural disaster

I wouldn’t want to imagine what he does when he needs to do a no. 2.
After all, in all of India, any place is okay for OD.

This is total lies bana

Wacha utunguu inuke bwana.

Surely KENYA, when did the rain start beating us…we dont deserve this.

(Un)fortunately the political elites who have pawned this country for peanuts hata mama zao wanakunywa hii kabras sugar!

Naskia deni imefika Kes 5trn…since 2013 when Jubilee took power the only development i have noticed are tall private skyscrapers (looters form of wash wash)

Zil infrastructure upgrade/develop in nairobi (dont tell me bypasses), Barabara CBD ziko vile nilipata in 2003 though na tuko Kes 5trn!!

Timeline of Nairobi; note from 2003 only SGR stands out (Government sponsored project)
Timeline of Nairobi - Wikipedia

Yes. Lakini sababu propaganda lazima iendelee…

Hii inaniuma msee, wakenya wanalisha wakenya wengine uchaffu kwa kampuni ya kalajinga. Nipewe gun na pamba sa hii …

Hii ni kama wakati wetu wa shule wakati tulikua tunatindkwa kama burukenge, ati unashika fimbo ya mwalim na kusema ni chafu atafute ile safi:D