Oh Hell No! How is this a real thing?

Man weaves? Really? Whatever happened to going bald with dignity?

For those of you who may want further info there you go (and to the others, there is no need to remind me that you won’t click. I already know.)

:eek::D:D:D The before picture he looks like he is from the kombai tribe we, can excuse him for now.

He should get proper advice from Rooney

not the same person. Closing the eyes

The first one is so real that there’s a video on youtube where he shows how he does the whole thing. And the second one looks real enough

Wonders will never cease in this world:(:(:(:(:(:frowning:

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Finally, hair commonality

Kuna weave ya fudhi??

I know Uwesmake have one.

These days men are balding way too early late 20’s to early 30’s men are starting to go bald.

I don’t know if it’s evolution or not
Men will one day have no hair on their scalp.

Ponyeto mingi


Stress. There was a time I had stress and some hair was falling off. Particularly eye lashes and eyebrows. White hair started appearing at eyebrows and were very visible because I have those bushy black eyebrows.

I’ll go with evolution

Upara inasave power…

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its genes…go to kericho and the incidence of bald men is higher than the national average…and i have been to places all over kenya…

Hata central ina bald men and women wengi.

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