Of women who buy random men drinks at the bar.

From work. Long drive. Early evening. With a multitude of cares and sorrows on my head as I drive by a popular roadside club. I decide to go in and take a sip. Straight to the counter. New barman.

A fellow drunkard at the counter. Awkward hi. A lazy grunt. Order a double and maji kubwa. Spain is playing. The screen is a sweet distraction to the unpleasant state of mind. Few patrons.

Then a loud woman wearing a cap comes to the counter to buy a drink and offers to buy me a drink. I accepted.

Hi, hi, pleasantries etc etc. Married etc etc husband doesnt like beer too much blabla bla how old I am, how old I think she is blabla

THEN I say something vaguely on the lines of “in marriage the man is the boss.” George Matinaaaaaaa!!! Full force. I undulge her. But forgot to pick number.

Interesting. I think that woman is a villager. In case she is reading, to please inbox me.

useless post of the day

Useless comment of the day. In fact it impossible for you to comment on that particular post, best if you looked for some other post about the weather or something.


Meffi. Tupatie hekaya ukishawekewa mchele na Hifinixiii imeenda

Mchele ni wewe

Hii ni @KeleleZa Chura

Hhhhhhhhhh, what is happening to this village!!

uyu elder anasema nini wadau simwelewi?

Upuzi, shenzi kabisa

Kama ni haya tafadhali Wakimbizi wa magufudhi msiende, tulieni kiasi tuuuu…

Long drive from work…
Double tot na maji Kubwa…

Tafathari tafathari ukianza kuota mchana…
Ama wacha 2

Hizi sio ndoto my fren. Kawaida for years.

Hehe… Hio maji kubwa inamalizwa na double mbili

Hivyo ndivyo wazee hukunywa bia. Sio kama nyinyi vijana unaona mtu amekamata mzinga mzima na mkono moja na glass na mkono ile ingine.


Hii maji kubwa ulikuwa unakunywa na beer??


this village is under attack from newbies…Kama hautuoshi macho ama kuleta hekaya baki na ur stupid post

Most ladies who buy men drinks are likely to be pishori dispensers.