Of President Magufuli and How Kenyans Hate Each other

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Magufuli, while addressing Tanzania Private Sector Foundation on Thursday, December 3, said it was not fair for Brookside Dairy Limited to collect milk from Tanzania, process it in Kenya and then sell back to them.

“How many dairy firms do we have that are operational? Do you remember the Brookside company in Arusha? It used to collect milk from the Maasais in northern parts of Tanzania, take it to Kenya for processing then bring it back to us to drink… Enough is enough,” he told the business people.

The statement has dimmed hopes of the Kenyatta family business’ plans to re-enter the market after forced exit in 2009. Tanzania banned Brookside’s milk collection and directed that all milk produced must be processed locally.
John Gethi, the general manager of milk procurement and extension services, had disclosed that the company has plans to resume the collection in order to supplement to erratic supply from Kenya.

Brookside, the largest dairy processing company in East Africa, is co-owned by the Kenyatta family and a French company – Danone. The Kenyatta’s sold 40% of their shares to the French in 2014 at an undisclosed amount.

The processor, through its Brookside Dairy Tanzania Ltd, had acquired Tanzania Dairies’ Arusha plant in 2004 with the promise of turning it into a state-of-the art milk processing unit but later changed its strategy citing low milk supply.

Government officials were angered with the continued export of the milk to Brookside’s Ruiru-based plant saying the business model denied locals employment hence the ban.

[li]kitotojaboma says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:00 PM
Did you see anything to smile about?

[li]Vama says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:44 PM
When is the TOURIST Ouru visiting Kenya again to receive this GREAT News??? He can as well buy milk from China process it in S. Africa in conjunction with Ruiru branch and finally sell it back to Beijing China…. Very LUCRATIVE Business I suppose!!!

[li]Milly says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 7:17 AM
I love this president so far ,gd work sir,shame en name them .
Uhuru wants to steal everywhere, we are fed up.
Kudos magufuli

[li]Anonymous says[/li]
DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 9:08 AM

wewe ni mjinga sana. huwezi ona ni kampuni ya kenya na kuleta maziwa hapa for processing itapatia wakenya kazi? wacha kuona ni kampuni ya uhuru. hii kampuni iko kenya na ina ajiri wakenya. the more we get milk from outside for processing in kenya, the more kenyan jobs we create. jinga sana wewe ukabila utawafanya mkufe maskini.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:40 AM
Wewe ndio mjinga,kazi gani ya wezi??ruiru ni kwa wakikuyu wakenya gani unaongelea??shenzi type

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:48 AM
Ruiru is a metropolitan rudisha ushamba na ujinga ocha kwenu

[li]phedol says[/li]
DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 11:07 AM
Magufuli is right to say this Uhuru is a fake president killing sugar companies in Kenya in favour Uganda . he thought magufuli is maziwa lala ka yeye. Intact Uhuru is only for himself looking for market for his own products and for the entire country. Hate you for this Uhuru and your people should stop supporting you for that…

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 12:46 PM
he is addressing Tanzanians not Kenyans. You are hating for no reason…

[li]Kiota cha Nungu says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:15 PM
Wee ndio una ujinga. Tufurahie kwa sababu ndugu zetu Tanzania wanaangamizwa na ufisadi wa Uhuru? How long till you start reasoning with your head, you Pharisee?

[li]Nyangaga George says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 9:39 PM
Usiseme wakenya, sema wakikuyu.

[li]wanjala says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 2:36 PM
Uhuru should learn from Magufuli’s system of managing economy by use of local raw materials. Now he should take local milk from local farmers, bt not importing milk for locally processing!! If that will beso

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:04 PM
I love maghufuli

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 7:06 PM
Wat has he stolen from.

[li]derrick says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:49 PM
mangufuli cheers!! within a month you have discovered how uhuru is stealing from your citizens. its really a shame to extend corruption to our neighbours . We did it in Somalia, South Africa and now in Tanzania

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 9:47 AM
South Sudan we were thrown out badly, some in coffins. Wizi na hii nyumba jamani!

[li]Mumbi love the hood says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 8:53 PM
And the warning shots have began Mr idiot. Take note

[li]Dr kenya says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:36 PM
Real readers always put the interests of their people first. If this new Tanzanian president is going to implement his manifesto, then the Tanzanian people should be smelling a new dawn which they have been waiting for over 50years.

[li]Justus atuti says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 9:46 PM
I am loving this president every moment. Soon ntahamia Tanzania

[li]asam says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 10:05 PM
Mangfuli ndo kusema east Africa mta tii

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 11:11 PM
No wonder Uhuru did not want this guy to become president.

[li]Eddie Oguyo says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 11:15 PM
Kazi iendele ivo mr president

[li]kilonzi says[/li]DECEMBER 5, 2015 AT 11:25 PM
Tanzanzania is ending to second world country with john pombe maghufuli.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 12:21 AM
Wel done!things to be shared should be shared but for milk we should process ourselves.thank magufuli.

[li]Raila4president2017 says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 12:34 AM
Dear kenyans,what we need is our own
“magufuli” here in kenya.we are tired of this absentee and inept president.lets all register in numbers to effect the desired CHANGE.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 6:18 AM
I look forward to. A kenya where a person who is able to type a wors on the Internet will not defend the worng doer based on the tribe of the wrong doer. Corruption doesn’t hurt kenya, tribalism does. Because if we weren’t tribal, we should already have held the corrupt to account. But who are we, when the corrupt are exposed, we rush back to our tribal cocoons and defend “our own”. We the young people who are learned can make a difference. Lets try and see.

I see that Kenya in the near future.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 2:23 AM

[li]Anthony Sankale says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 2:25 AM

[li]kikuyu says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 4:00 AM
All jokes aside… Tanzanians really really really really Really Don’t like Kenyans… AT ALL

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:01 AM
Tanzanians, like all right thinking people do not like Kiambu behaviour. That does not mean they don’t like Kenyans. The Kisii, Luos, Maasai and Kuria just to name a few are very much at home in TZ.

[li]Samson Wamalwa says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:28 AM
What you do to us cannot be done to everyone,you want to own everything not sugar with dictator museveni,not meat,not all gorverment procurements.come 2017we MUST get our own Magufuli.clap,clap Mr president,make him feel that you are incharge and you care for your people.

[li]kikuyu says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:53 PM
We are born and bred for war… look at Rwanda and see them RUN with apparently Kikuyu investment… we have money to Spare… Magafuli is great but … and this is a HUGE but… You cannot do it alone… at the top.

The reason kenya came back so fast after 2001 wasnt Kibaki… it was the fact that the attitude on the ground was ALL BUSINESS : the culture was business… He just let the dogs GO !!!

Look at kenya RUN LIKE HELL… dont get left behind.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 12:45 PM
Peace Black, we’re all Afrikans. I’m in a place where my ancestors were kidnapped and brought to, called North America. You don’t like us in Amerikkka either? You got to get out of that white man’s spell of hating Your Afrikan Brothers and Sisters.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 12:29 AM
just come home and contribute to development. trace ur roots

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 5:51 AM
Tanzanian s naturally hate Kenyans period

[li]Ninavumilia kuwa mkenya says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 6:36 AM
There is a good reason for that. Someone just doesn’t wake up one morning and just hate his neighbor. Kenyans did something baaad!!!..…and that is why we are hated in S. Sudan, Somalia…of all places (kuuza makaa!..… na sukari…… jamani!), Botswana, South Africa. Our northen neighbor Ethiopia does not even want to think of a Kenyan entrepreneur entering there and they have very strongly resisted us. We need to change how we relate with the nations around us .

[li]Jakarachuonyo. says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 4:20 AM
That’s good president magufuli. Things fall apart, thank u.

[li]jose jakobala says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 4:31 AM
Thanx pombe, bado mapambano .Uwizi hauwezikupeleka to adevelop country.

[li]Man Wily says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:25 AM
Liberate your citizens by putting food on the table daily, cheap education, good health, all these and more done when all loop holes of corruption blocked, Magufuli, Kundos. Few days in office but much positive work observed. Success in all you will be doing for the sake of your people

[li]Kenya ya wezi says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:57 AM
Magufuli hoyeee nachukia kuwa mkenya… Natamani tupate Magufuli wetu hapa Kenya… Ndugu zangu wa Tanzania mnabaraka kubwa kupata kiongozi a naye jali maslahi yenu… Sisi hapa twa jua kila uchaguzi ni Wezi sii hupata lakini ipo siku itafika….

[li]Bol Manas Msudi says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:23 PM
What have Kenya as a country done to you ile unaezaichukia? Ni viongizi ndio wabaya si inshi, be patriotic please

[li]otieno says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:15 AM
Mae tek manade

[li]JKM says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:31 AM
Anaonekana kama analogi, lakini ana akili nyingi sana. Heko, you are in the right track.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:34 AM
Usiseme they dont like kenyanss sema kikuyus…

[li]wuod killi ma jamaguti. says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:41 AM
a leader who knows wat self governance is…not importing even matchstick…kudos mwalimu magufuli

[li]Ngunjiri dedan kimathi says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:46 AM
Magufuli is busy isolating tanzania, kudos!! We a better of without u dudes?

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:43 AM
Tz dont like kikuyus not kenyans…maghufuli fungia hao wezi nå uwatandike!!

[li]muthoni says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:47 AM
your paper is obsseded with the 4th undisputed president of kenya from dayone!! NEGATIVELY!!.i think its bad.u have nothing ELSE TO WRITE ABOUT KENYA???

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:46 AM
Ur name has it all n resembles what maghufuli is talking about…theft!!not unless u r dumb

[li]mathew ayieko says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 7:10 AM
kudos!!mr president magufuli.i love your spirit n working strategies.we wished we had another magufuli in kenya to cut this barrons in kenya that are undermining us to vision 2030.good work

[li]wuodgi governor Cyrian Awiti says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 7:37 AM
Hehe tell him to keep off from Tz na kazi iendelee uncle magufuli

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:03 AM
Did the tourist attempt to import sugar from Tanzania?

[li]Stephen gaiti says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:34 AM
Exaggerated news. I haven’t heard anything about magufuli blasting Uhuru or even mentioning brookside!

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:44 AM
Then u r foolish!!

[li]anonyanonyanonymousmousmous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 9:20 AM
Wakenya shouldvimplement innovetives that could help to identify the dna of achief n of awitch.this how the europe did to elope with technology.The vice canot set free of development. Anybody with manufesto will win large…cheft n witches

[li]Kephar Alloys says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 10:45 AM
My Magufuli kudos! Let Vasco de gama hop from one plane to another!

[li]symon says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 12:40 PM
Somebody tell that Maghufuli and other haters that UHURU is ours even if they refuse we pple from my Kenya we have the number we can buy plus our riftvalley brothers we are many we will continue supporting the dairy wapende wasipende and after all Tz sh is weaker compared to Kenyan sh and for his information let him know the dairy has penetrated to Ethiopia where economy is higher than Tz

[li]Sidiki says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 1:05 PM
I don’t know much about this situation, if the president is making moves to correct the madness of bad business practices for the country Tanzania, then he needs to be applauded. We as a people must realize how how outside forces has caused Afrikas down fall. This is another example of Afrikas natural resources being exploited. We need to do like China did to get there country back in order. They practice RACE FIRST and any detractors was dealt with. Afrika is back on the rise because other areas of the world natural resources are drying up and the Motherland we have abundance of all kinds of resources the we and the world needs. ONE AFRIKA is a must. Great Job President! From a Black Man from Amerikkka.

[li]wanjala says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:41 PM
Watanzaniaa, mulikua mumengoja nini kuleta makufuli mapema?!! Magufuli, oonyesha yeye jinzi uchumi wa taifa lake lafaa liendeshwe na malingavi ya ndani, sii kuhadaa wanainchi wa taifa jirani kuuza malingavi yao!! Bwana rais (Magufuli) kumbuka unaandikisha historia nadhfu mbele ya bara la afrika na hata ulimwengu mzima kutokana msimamo wako wa haki! Rais kumbuka si wote wapendao haki na ukweli, ndiyo maana mataifa mengi ulimwenguni yenye utajiri kimalingavi (raw materials) yako nyuma kiuchumii, maana viongzi hawataki haki na ukweli kusemwa!! Kwa hivyo nina imani kwamba, tumepata Nelson Mandela katika kandaa hii ya afrika mashariki!! Usiogope sema ukweli na haki tu nyuma yako.wanjala Joseph-juba (mkenya)

[li]nyamar says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 1:30 PM
kudos uncle magufuli,tetea watu wako na kuchapa kazi jinga nyingine ikila pesa za wakenya Juu ya hewa.

[li]ninja says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 1:48 PM
sasa magufuli fukuza wagikuyu wote kutoka Tanzania ndo wizi uishe

[li]Jm says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 2:05 PM
It seems uhuru-magufuli re-union is heading 4 the rocks! To magufuli’s eyes,uhuru is a thief and a tick reaping where he did not sow. This can only mean one thing,…

[li]wanjala says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:07 PM
Uhuru should learn from Magufuli’s system of managing economy by use of local raw materials. Now he should take local milk from local farmers, bt not importing milk for locally processing!! If that will be, u mean Kenya does not ‘ve enough cows to produce enough milk for your company?!!! Mr prezzo, y can’t u empower your local farmers by buying their milk?! Hw do u expect them to survive & yet u r their prezzo who should show a good xample by encouraging localI
invinvestors to use local material instead of importing? So Mr president acha vituko ‘coz maziwa ya Wakenya inaribika na wanamuaga!! So plz show a good xample to local milk companies to use local milk, if only u do same. Acha kuaibisha Kenya!! Joseph wanjala (juba).

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 5:27 AM
Well said sir.

[li]Bernard says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 3:09 PM
Kenyan’s should watch out the two guys are reapping where they didn’t sow shame on them.

[li]Mustafa Salim says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 4:24 PM
Hi fellows, msiyoyajua jameni yasiwasumbue.Biashara ya familia ya rais wetu mpendwa-Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta-hayawahusu. To the non-patriots, wivu kawaida mnaambiwa ni kidonda, mkiyashiriki sana mtakonda.Ngojeni tena 2017 tuwaonyeshe……………….tunaweza.

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 4:39 PM

[li]Ezekiel Nangeya says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:26 PM
To do investiment anywhere in this world, one must follow all the terms and conditions of doing business. Provided he/she has meet all the requirements. If not so anyone can be done away. Magufuli is right of all the cases as per his responsibility as leader and a president of Tanzania. I think he can be one of the best Leaders we have in Africa. Kudos for showing the world much of ur transparency.

[li]Wuoddhako oyiedhi says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:39 PM
If I were Uhuru I would go to Magufuli secretly and ask him how he has managed to find out about my scam. hehehe!!! Poor Kenya soon no Country will like to do business with us, we have lost face

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:56 PM
Bwana president the comments are showing that you have done nothing to rid this country of tribalism.What have you done that makes our brothers the Kikuyus to be hated like this?You must have done this tribe more harm than good.

[li]Kululu the C O says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 5:59 PM
Lesson must be learnt. This two guys are eating within and outside our borders. Thank God for changing leadership in our neighbour land so that we poor Kenyans can see and learn.

[li]Kenyan says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:00 PM
Lesson must be learnt. This two guys are eating within and outside our borders. Thank God for changing leadership in our neighbour land so that we poor Kenyans can see and learn.

[li]samuel says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:04 PM
Naona rais Maghufuli atia kufuli Uhuru wa biashara afirika mashariki

[li]otosh baba says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 6:14 PM
Mr. Magufuli is an inspiration to many though young in politics.I tend to think that Kenyan president should emmulate if not borrow his ideologies.

[li]@daniels says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:09 PM
Magufulia fungia wezi nje kabisa!

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 8:14 PM
I thought magufuli is an african true statesman….he is trying to play petty dirty politics…uhuru is rich and our good president

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 6, 2015 AT 9:38 PM
Niokotwe Dar!

[li]no1 kenyan says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 12:46 AM
I see alot of ill informed comments and misguided judgements here. Fisrt things first when you start accusing someone of theft you better be sure of what you are saying. I think tanzania is part of the east african trading block… therefore i find no problem if brookside”not mr president kenyatta” found it wise to “Purchase” not “steal or rob ” milk from tanzanians come process it here in a state of the art facility and then re distribute it through out east africa.
Magufuli or Tanzanians president is making fools out of you guys by these small stunts that will lead him and his country nowhere
So now if Brookside stops selling or buying milk from tanzania what do we as kenyans have to loose. For brookside its a business gone bad they will just find a new avenue maybe start an icecream product. And they will make much more money. But tanzanians what if we as kenyans pull back our resources too. Ask yourselves that questions and keep in mind we are the big doggs here.

[li]Bob says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 6:59 AM
This very comment of yours, shows your ill-informed and shallow mind in full swing!

[li]Patriotic Kenyan says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 4:10 AM
The one big pertinent question here is…, were brookside dairies company not associated with Uhuru…, would Magufuli have taken that same action?” Why not do the same with EABL?? THERE are dozens and dozens of kenyan companies doing business in Tanzania, why single out brookside?
A practical case of simple minds with simple ideas and simple mediocre reasoning

[li]Anonymous says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 5:58 AM
they don’t hate Kenyans but kikuyus.

[li]mwananchi ni tofauti na mwenye nchi, says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 6:11 AM
remember wote wako kazini salary zao ziko, buss zao zaedelea, pigeni midomo tu

[li]mwananchi ni tofauti na mwenye nchi, says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 6:14 AM
wote wako kazini, shideni domo tu, mkose kufanya zenu, jioni tumbo iko wazi bila kitu

[li]Bob says[/li]DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 7:03 AM
These comments are more interesting than the article itself. hahahaaa…



Poor ignorant people hating those ahead of them thinking it will make there miserable life better. Magufuli is walking the nyerere path and which will not bring any economic devekopment. He should learn from Kibaki, rapid economic growth requires attracting alternativ investments, creating opportunites and a promoting hardwork. This guy is exploting hatred that exist to score politically


Sijui umetoa hizi thoughts zako wapi. Magufuli insisting that Tanzanians process their own milk will ensure that more jobs are setup in Tanzania for Tanzanians. Brookside itself can set up a plant in Tanzania if it hasn’t already. KOT are idiots. I support Magufuli. Kwanza on that celebration party cost cutting. 3rd world countries have no business spending government money on luxuries.

It’s us who should be taking cues from him but instead we’re busy improving our country by posting memes about how much of a miser he is.


Carbon, don’t worry. You can bet that 98.74% of the negative comments come from a small part of the country. THERE. The reality has hit these dudes that HE will never become prezzo. That is very hard to live with for many of them - hata suicide wengine watacommit 2017.

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I was writing about those comments, just go through and see the hate

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Also, hiyo comment section ni ya gazeti gani?

There is no milk in Tz… lots of cows but no milk. Production levels are not sufficient to support a dairy processing facility, I know of more than 3 firms that have had to shut down due to erratic and insufficient supply of milk, the likes of OMASI, Arusha dairies…

Brookside had a good program where they were working closely with Land o lakes to first increase production levels, (cows take time mature) and offered a ready and reliable market to the farmers as the … however the Tz govt kama kawaida ikaanza issues and brookside stopped the program. However in line with the EAC trade agreements Brookside still exports milk to Tz. So who lost out??


The bile in the comments can give someone Kiungulia. Hehehehe

The best thing is not to read them. Key board warriors and E-thugs(as @Okiya calls them) will always be around so long as there is internet.

Hatred and bile aside mbona maziwa itolewe tz to kenya processed and exported back? Hizi si expenses mingi? Ama the company still profits from it

If I had resources like Ross Kemp, I would dedicate them to research on why these idiots hate Kenyans with all that passion!


The costs of operating a processing plant (erratic power, labour & overheads) are higher than transportation costs. Also happens in Kenya, most of those so called factories are collection and cooling stations

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“siasa mbaya maisha mabaya”

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mister spent cartridge?

Tzians love hating their neighbors without the slightest of reasons! If they see eye to eye with the Rwandans! Their friendship with UG is the coldest there ever was! Learn how to be neighbors from TZ and Malawi. And Zambia? They will only speak, albeit coldly, with Burundi! And that’s because Burundi are enemies with Rwanda.
But it is Kenya they will do anything to banish them to Pluto!!!


Mmmmmh! great observation.

Osungu :D:D:D

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There is alot that should be read from these statements. Ignorance galore, I think basic economics and logistics should be made compulsory in high school.
When you out of Kenya and you see a Kenyan brand you feel proud atleast you represented. Those asking of Tanzanian milk, do you know Kenyan coffee is exported raw processed and then sold back to us as nescafe?
Kenyan coffee is of very high quality that’s why it would be too expensive to sell it alone hence it’s used to blend lesser qualities from Mexico and Colombia.

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Brooke side was sold to Chinku kitambo sijui japanese company