Gwati on ladies fone…hit /pass
Tume boycott kijiji juu ya team mafisi admin aka Momo Lover member 001 na wewe Ni ujinga umeamkia hapa? Can’t you at least take one for the team? KETI PALE
ndio ma-NV hupata shida hapa…sasa hii ni maneno gani umea-mkia wakati wananchi wanajifungulia kwenda kujenga taifa?
NV starehe gharama hata kama gharama ni ya mzazi,its too early for this nonsense
I clicked here to read the comments…:p:D:D:D
I thought ngwati is a man thing, but of late i have discovered girls watch porn more than we do. You can’t imagine the rate at which they are sharing ngwati kwa whatsapp among themselves
I don’t know why people think women do not have sexual desires. They stare at asses, pecs and fantasize about sex.
Just try wearing sweatpants commando uone vile macho zao zitaenda huko chini nikama heat seeking missiles. Women are as perverted as men.
Fat pussy,
look at what the fat cat dragged in
I am still packing my bags,I have one way ticket, I am not coming back
Gwati-thats kyuk for somethin(i dont know)
so which is which
I was wondering too
women are more perverted than men and you can take that to the bank…ni vile wanajua most guys might not agree to their requests
You can take a guys phone and check his whats app but not a ladies nudes and porn utafanyia nini hadi iko na password…
nerfertities and trish can you tell us the truth…you have a clearer perspective