I am not that old to start with, and that being the case i just realised that old age is catching up.
Anyway village homos and campus guys just help a villager out. How do you pronounce bae…? Is it like a goat sound “beeehheeeeheeeeee” /bye /bay or what?
See, am getting old but am still throwing tantrums at how life is!
I still have a college pussy to hit before the woman my kid calls mom jets in.
Kujia guarana na chips
I always thought 80s kids were the last generation to see christ. Damn, i was pissed when the big man couldn’t flood the whole planet and turn fish super power. Soon a kid will be dry frying my daughter and another will be acting all nice when i take a stroll around town.
before anyone else
btw tumezeeka soon hawa watoi watakuwa wakubwa.
MTU akiguza my daughter ataona moshi. Lazima akuwe virgin mpaka aoleke na pastor
:D:Dunakaa wale husema wasichana wao hawatavaa jeans …maskirt refurefu…
:D:D:D:Dhiyo ata huwa sipendi kuswear but for now its good nimfunze about life. Respect, humility and shit. Then ningojee mafisi wapitie hood wakijidai wanataka movies.
Help me understand how your significant other works and lives in another country and still maintain a semblance of marriage, what conversation do you have that she’ll not go dishing her goods away, the distance, doesn’t Skype calling get boring at some point etc
Am there because of the kid… Actually after a long fight with her to be distance apart and just allow the kid to alternate time with dad or mom, its only this year that she finally agreed to settle on that line.
She ain’t my wife, because i tried reasoning with devil. You know, a girl who goes back to the dustbin when you have already busted nut and busy in shower, takes the contents of the condom, and milk them all in her v. Yea dude, she told me about it later same week.
I guess i’ll just create another thread for this.
WTBF and anaenda kuchokora dustbin for a used condom…leta hekaya kaka
Isn’t that theft of Intellectual Property or something like that? :eek: :eek:
Yaani she inseminated herself with your njotis without your consent…that is outright theft. And you allowed a thief to carry a pregnancy,that you had not part in conceiving,to term?
In my books huyo juju yake ni ya nolywood…
She was a psychic man. Educated, fat pussy(of course what made me keep getting some) but a real lunatic. Promise you guys will write it fully tomorrow.
I can’t make a woman abort. Thats a human living in her don’t you think?
A woman can move heaven and earth just to trap a man!
If she wants you, the only thing that can save you is instant flight!
more like carnal property…or theft of genetic resources…
and make sure you dont callmama watoto BAE…:D:D:D