sasa wameanza kutoa press conferences za ujinga ati Ruto ame hold president hostage . thats pure nonsense why has the kikuyu community not complained . if there is any one holding kenya hostage it is Raila since 1982 waache ujinga trying to alienate Ruto . ati wanatetea wasapere in RV . i think they are trying to cause tension in the govt . they should just be ignored
fact is Ruto anachukua kiti mapema 2022 na we are not changing the constitution huyo mujamaa akule handcheque polepole since he is done .
:D:D:D there mission was for Raila to replace Ruto. I remember Atwoli saying Uhuru having Raila on his side, now has enough suopport and he does not require anyone else. Raila is being played by the duo, he has already entered their box and they are prunning him slowly slowly.
Most of the ODM adherents were shocked. Yaani majamaa walikua wameamini Uhuru discussed law reforms with jakom and he agreed. The days where baba used to execute suave political manoeuvres are long gone. Siku hizi ni kucheswo tu
I salute Jubilee think tanks. They had an elaborate plan to break NASA and they could only achieve that by breaking the Leader, They did that and they isolated him from the other four NASA leaders. It was very easy to play Raila by promising him non existant things alone so that the rest can protest. The Luo Nyanza MPs never saw that coming and they quickly fell into the trap. Ruto will have the last laugh, jakong will go back to streets but this time alone.
Wasapere hatujaomba mtu atutetee, watu wasort mashida za kwao kwanza. This stupid cow hasn’t learnt anything from the many times he’s lost elections. He’s still trying to bulldoze his way to the top seat. Raira hata aninunulie probox, hata anipe container mzima ya jeans za Savco, hata anipromise a year’s supply of mukimo, ata aseme serikali yake itanitafutia buroti maguta maguta…kura yangu hapatiiiii!! I don’t vote for useless, opportunistic, perennial losers.
The only person who gained from than handshake is Uhuru. The ground is shifting below Ruto and Raila’s feet. The tension between them is obvious. While they are busy taking shots at each other, Uhuru can rule in peace.