Naona pale Citizen wanadai DG amekanyaga frame
It’s a good start.
If you are mentioned in corruption or your institution is involved in it, kanyanga nje.
Hii mambo ya denial and clinging to office is what fuels the blatant corruption.
Even the PS has quit.
[SIZE=7]NYS Scandal: PS Omollo, DG Ndubai step down[/SIZE]
By Citizen Reporter For Citizen Digital Updated on: 1726, May 18, 2018 (EAT),
Public Service and Youth Principal Secretary Lillian Mbogo Omollo and NYS Director-General Richard Ndubai have stepped down over the latest billion-shilling scandal facing the National Youth Service.
The two are directly responsible for the functions of the NYS in the period being investigated.
In a statement sent to newsrooms, President Uhuru Kenyatta accepted the offer by the two to step aside for a period of three months to allow investigating agencies to complete their work.
“The President also expects any public official directly implicated in the investigations to uphold the code of integrity and ethics to which they are committed and to act accordingly,” read the statement from State House Spokesperson Manoah Esipisu.
The two have been implicated in the new Ksh.9 billion scandal facing the National Youth Service where 36 companies are being investigated for previous controversial dealings with the outfit.
According to the Daily Nation who broke the story, the money was allegedly siphoned from the institution in the last three years in a well-orchestrated scheme involving senior government officials and ghost suppliers.
Quitting haitoshi. Wale wameiba washikwe na warudishe pesa.
tulia uchunguzi uishe hatutaki yeyote apelekwe kortini na ushahidi half-baked.
but ule minister alikuwa hapo huo wakati a step aside pia . na ifikie CITIZEN kwamba ku STEP ASIDE na ku STEP DOWN , ni two very different things .
- 2016? Rugut anafurushwa kufungua barabara ya ufisadi
- Watu fulani wanaunda kampuni za upepo kulaghai NYS mabillioni ya pesa
- Auditor General anasema amedhibitisha billioni moja imeibiwa lakini anashuku billioni kumi zimepotea huku Raila akibashiri ni billioni ishirini
- Wakubwa wengine kama Waiguru na wenzake wachache wanakisiwa kuwa wezi
- Wanakanusha mashtaka na kuondolewa lawama. Hivyo tu.
- Kesi ndogo ya millioni 600 inafunguliwa na viongozi wadogo wadogo wanaanza kuhangaishwa na kudhalilishwa adharani huku kesi zikiwasilishwa kwa vyombo tofauti tofauti vya habari.
Pesa hizi ni ndogo. Zile nyingi ziko wapi?
jubilee supremo @Mathaais ule mkale alikuwa energy minister aka step aside juu ya corruption si ndio mkubwa hapo kwa party saa hii . steping aside simply means unaenda kuiba tu department ingine according to chupilee
That’s the nonsense in Kenyan politics.
This is all PR. In 3 months mutakuwa mushasahau. Who remembers Josephine Kabura??
Kabura told us she walked away with gunias of pesa and she’s still free. NYS scandal II will just dissipate like the first one.
1jigi needed to be paid the money he spent on NASA campaigns for the handshake to take full effect. I’m sure Jubilee principals also had to recover the billions they spent campaigning.
We’re being played for fools.
@General Specific nimeona ile kondoo yako pale big city ikisoma hio story pia…