Nyeri will rescue kenyans

We will Legalize Bangi! 1 acre of Bangi can earn you $78,000 or Shs.8 million per harvest. The whole of Nyeri county is 583,000 acres. This means that if we grew Bangi in Nyeri county, Nyeri residents will earn $45 Billion or Shs.4.6 trillion per harvest. And because Bangi is harvested twice a year, it […]

Wajakoya manifesto launch

Where will he sell Bangi at that price?

Nisongee tulale. Hata Mimi nimekosa usingiss.

other countries have developed some dope variants, and it will take time to develop good weed.

ndoto ya abunuwasi

People think Raila or Ruto will bring solutions to Kenya’s issues. Uhuru’s term maybe the best we will hope for in the next 10 years. Kibaki will be a myopic wet dream in the future. Prepare popcorn and lubes in stock, 2023 is a new start for one world government

Hebu tuelimishe kuhusu hio one world government.