NTSA watch motorists cautioned to Maintain speed at 50 Langata rd outbound gun at Uhuru gardens arresting at top of the hill
NTSA guyz at the entrance of kabete police, be warned
And of course if speeding dolts cause horrific accidents we will blame the corrupt police and Uhuru, right?
Hii ndio ujinga ya waafrika…warning people who will cause unnecessary deaths in future
Nice job.
Keep up the gd work.
Guka akishikwa hawa wa kwanza kuja kutusi ntsa thugs here
Alafu unauliza kwanini nakutaja kila saa?
unaddressed stupidity draws me like sh it to a fly
or @Jirani to singo mathas
In other news, it might be wise to fuel your cars to capacity. Apparently some vessel importing fuel has been delayed…
Wacha kunisumbua…naona Champions league Qtr final draw
It’s a ploy to raise fuel prices. The cartels ain’t happy at all
The 50 limit on m
Kwani wanataka wakule washibe kiasi gani? Kwanza vile izo price zinashuka at snails pace? Bastards.
#Ferk@MeriaMata (Nimeona guka akiweka hii)
Shindwe, kwani how long do they think they can hinyereria us. It’s our time to eat, let them sit and watch sasa…
nikubaya leo… all billionaires mwatafutwa. .
sisi peasants tuko safe kwa mat
pre-game line up…
didn’t know that… lakini watu wakinunua stock yote at once, how do they gain?
NTSA guys fueling their cars in readiness for tonight. Leo kila mtu akakunywe mtaa ya kwao.
Wapi huko.
Juja opp juja preparatory.
naelewa sasa mbona NTSA are bringing it…