Do I need formal employment in order to register for NSSF and NHIF?


POA, thanks


How old are you ?Guv


Iyo NHIF ni muhimu kwa maisha na iyo NSSF ni muhimu itakusaidia ukishazeeka hata kama una fanya biz

Ni ID inakusumbua ?

I already have an ID. I was just enquiring if ni lazima uwe employed to inorder to register for the above.

Not at all

As long as u have yo id thatz it


NHIF ni sawa. You better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. NSSF is garbage. Dont waste your money on it. Buy shares every time you should contribute to NSSF, because that is what NSSF will do with your money anyway, at a huge cost.

I believe thread needed to end here.

Vile M2random amesema hapo juu. For NHIF though never miss a payment of your monthly contribution come what may.ndio usipate issues na card yako incase of emergency.

NHIF ni muhimu sana, 500 a month for self employed hustlers. NSSF sio lazima, save for your old age by investing elesewhere.