nshawai kuwa victim & I kno many of u too<--Extortion frm +254 chix

Ule Blogger Nyakundi amesema kitu mmoja ya maana leo …si maboy wamecatch pale twirra…hivi ndo amesema and i quote–>

Every man in Kenya must have received a text-message request from a female asking for a favour at one point or another in their lives. Most of these requests are from women you may barely know, or perhaps not very close with, but the sheer guts to conjure such a message and press the “send” button to all and sundry would leave a neutral observer in utter shock and disbelief.

While it is not a crime to request for funds, especially in an emergency situation, there has been an increasingly worrying trend, where text messages seem to rotate around the same issues. And the similarity is more than visual. For instance if all men would share their messages, they tend to solicit money using excuses like “my mum is sick” or “I need to pay for my chama” or “my electricity has been disconnected” matters that perhaps don’t even concern the recipient of the message.

What you may not know is that women draft a message template and broadcast it to over 50 males in their phonebooks. Out of the 50, a minimum of 5 are guaranteed to be in the positive, meaning that if the value of money requested was Kshs. 5,000, a total of 25,000 would be guaranteed. –

The money is normally given as a soft-loan with a promise to repay back, but as fate would have it, subliminal-signals of sex are given to men, with the carrot being dangled accompanied by all sorts of mind-games. Eventually, the man who sends the most money is the only one who will have a likely chance of intercourse (if that was the primary objective)
CNyakundi…End of quote

Nimesoma hio article nikashika naree niaje…manze nishaikuwa victim not once, not twice bt thrice now i know better. 1st scenario as u all know ni kale ka Ex kaliitisha pesa ya mtoi ati ni msick nikamskumia 100euro. 2nd case and 3rd case ata staki sema juu ni aibu. Lakini manze madem 254 jo ni wadeadly …ebu imagine kaFriday ka leo ama ile ya last week when watu walikuwa monied…kuna mwomen waliangukia pesa kama ya sportspesa winner, kaa 150K via kugonga maboy…waaaaaaa nasasa when hio shida itakuwa genuine…waaaaaa

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Research has shown that, women are very good in paying bank loans compared to men.
but will decline paying personal loans from male friends. fatakari hayo.


Nyakundi amesave maboy wengi leo…kwanza ukiona unatumiwa txt with the letters " tx "after sending and nuthin more jua umecheswo mkiwa wengi

Saizo ukumbuke boy wako alikuomba emergency na ukamnyima lakini mwoman anakudanganya unajipa…


rule of the thumb, only kopesha ile mwoman ushakula…Angalao utakua na something to console your self with. Kama sio hivyo , tell her to come collect it at your house.make sure kuna mzinga kwa fridge na wine ya ku dilute. Akifika , unakua umewekelea thao kadhaa hapo kwa tv stand. Akiingia anaziona, ataanza tu ku salivate ndani ya roho. engage her na drinks. akitoka pale umekamua nunu na umekamuliwa zile thao. something has to give!!!


problem is guys pretend to be nice. yet ingekuwa boy anakuitisha unamdismiss bila stress.
if you had principles, you would give based on ability and genuiness. in this case mnapeana na expectations.
stop trying to be nice. be honest instead.


Its a new age con game ladies do! ………mmm kweli wanaume tumeumia! :smiley: - inaitwa Silent prostitution papa! let Damsels in distress solve their own issues! ukijifanya jogoo, utagharamia ujinga! :smiley: offering (soft)loans bila collateral, interest and timelines for repay is like trashing ur chumz! kwanza ukipanuliwa miguu… she will consider it loan repayment in kind! :smiley: hapo utakuwa umeTOMBA PESA YAKO PAPA! 1 or at most 2 expensive shots in your life! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Kwani unafikiri ni Mwomen wagani wanakopanga mtu pesa na hawata rudisha…off coz ni wale ushait0mba.

umesema ukweli lakini jo kuna kale ka force ya ufisi

Exatly silent prostitution lakini ingine ni taking advantage of gullible men

by the way prostitution iko mashinani nowadays. my friend got a text, real story
mwoman: mambo
jamaa: poa. niambie
mwoman: leo naskia kukupea vitu but…
mwoman:niko vizii, unaeza nitumia 3000
jamaa: sitaki umeffi (:p:D:D:D)


…nimechanuka sasa…

I have an ex who after keddo 3/4 month without communication will call and start complaining vile umemnyamazia na stori mingi…then will call for the next two days and finally drops the bombs vile amesota place ako works hajalipwa unsort out, the next calls huwa sishiki and the cycle continues

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hata mimi nimeshanuka

Njambaz, me too exactly the same case…she breaks the ice after a long silence ati kukujulia hali…waaaa after 1 or 2 days unaitishwa…waaaaaaalai

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I would need the writing skills of kabuda to write of all women who have tried to extort money from me. I get on average about 2 per month.

Si lazima uweke wote…weka tuu example wa wale wazoefu. Ata mm enzi ya Klost kamwoman fulani Klost aliniitisha lakini siku jipa

There is one i used to tap, after a day i start getting invoices za nywele sijui drink bla bla. Nilizoea, used to keep 1k on standby after tapping that ass.


I have been a victim countless times nowadays you send a text requesting cash you never hear from me again the good thing is that the preferred method they use is text or whatsapp they rarely call hence i ignore and quickly ignore


Hio ni solution poa sana. Thx 4 the heads up soja. Wacha aone two blue ticks pale whtsapp ajue umesoma but u ignore. That’s a heavy heavy statement there

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The most useless was a petite Luhya chic called Lynn. She was quite beautiful and had a size 8 figure. Predictably, she kept a long line of guys who awed by her beauty, desperately wanted a piece of the action. Problem is she had no tact or decorum, she believed her beauty was a ticket to live off men. Lynn would call at the most inappropriate of times and demand (not request) ‘can you send me 5k urgently’ . After one too many demands without coming anywhere near the kanyau, I decided to cut my losses and run.

It had to be luhya:D anyway am luhya but would never touch a luhya woman with a 10ft pole! Pole lakini sometimes you count your losses and move on i feel you brother:D


My story
Met This chile kwa embassava…tukabonga akanishow amekam pipeline kugotea sistake otherwise yeye ni Student MKU.
Sa ikawa nimengangana tupatane …Wapi!
After like two weeks ya kuchat…Siku moja akanicall

Mimi:Nimekumiss pia…Siku hizi ni kunipiga chenga tu
Dame:Hiza …tulikuwa na exams
Mimi:So…form ni gani
Dame:Am not yet sure coz exam fee yangu bado sijamaliza kulipa…so nimekuwa barred kufanya tomorrows paper…Unaweza nisort nitakurefund…aki pleeeeeeeaaaas
Mimi:Kiasi niongeee na caretaker ako hapa kwa mlango…nitakucall