I have Decided to change my Avatar in respect to the best artist that we have the privilege to be sharing our lives with!
I remember where I was when Tupac Shakur got smoked back in the day!..
I was living in Finland and six days later he was pronounced dead!
PAC changed alot of how I view the world because of his Poetic and lyrical genius.
As much as I would have wanted to tell him, his poetry and lyrical wisdom influenced the man I am today.
And then years on, I got introduced to another Lyrical Gangster closer to home!
Diamond Platinumz!!!
I love Swahili and I love poetry!
Languages were the only subjects I excelled in and I owe my sanity to the wordplay in most music I listen to.
That’s why I have officially changed my Avatar from the image of Tupac Amaru Shakur to that of Simba… Diamond Platnamz…
Let us always celebrate our heroes while they are still here with us![ATTACH=full]161087[/ATTACH]
Respect man. When Tupac was dispatched I was just coming from class 5. The first time i heard of Finland was in relation to a certain safari rally driver called Kankunnen
very GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY . weka avatar ya dem si mujamaa tabia zake ni very crooked naskia ananyanduanga maboy . ati best artist jamaa wimbo zake natambua ni kama tano pekeee otherwise ni upusss yu anaimbanga