NOTORIUS B.I.G The best rapper ever Part 1

The reason you have such an accurate assessment is because you are an old talker and one of the starting members of this site and k-list too. You gotta take a break man.

Sky is the limit. Best cast and choreographed video

“the best rapper ever” STFU

90s hip hop was the real thing. The rap, RnB, slow jam. Wacha tu!

This album was dope. Aaand it kept me on the straight and narrow somehow when I was a teen coz of these two songs sana sana.

Watu hapa kweli ni fossil. Sikiza hii cypher uniambie nani akona influence ya biggie.

Utapenda mc/rwapper hapo based on whether ulipenda flow ya Pac ama Biggie ama Mc lyte-female icon

The only guy that killed Biggie on his own track has to be Mef, pia Biggie admitted that Mef killed it on this track, btw Johnny Blaze is the only featured guy in the whole album, speaks volumes.

Also this is one of Biggie’s most underrated tracks.

Here’s another great track from the 90s from Warren G. I wonder if he’s still around…;list=RDIveE_CSimws

Biggie all time

Damn, this song was playing in my head not too long ago.