i have to download this for future reference. only a fool can issue such an ultimatum.
i have to download this for future reference. only a fool can issue such an ultimatum.
Teren tereng…RAO is all smiles. Nawambianga these kalweos are shallow minds
This is one idiot who should be rotting in jail. April 16th, 2016, we were in this forum celebrating acquittal of the suspects in 2007/8 violence. We celebrated defeat of justice, we condemned, castigated, abused all the ones against the meeting. Wajuaji said it was a peace meeting of fostering forgiveness, unity etc. I will watch from the sidelines to read the comments from those who claimed how we found a lasting peace from the meeting. Tukianza na mzito @mabenda4 . Nangoja pia zile comments za uncle Ruto
These kinds of threats do not belong to modern Kenya. While you and I toil, and have the luxury of being online, some poor soul will get agitated by this talk and take away a life or lose his. All because politics are perceived to be a matter of life and death!
Relax people. He is firing blanks.
Wewe ficha kichwa chako kikibwa tuu kwa Mchanga nakiona. I know the Rift, born and grown up there. I swore I must never ever to invest there again. Once bitten, twice shy.
Pole and I understand. But trust me there will be political realignments before 2022. It happens every changeover of incumbent. Look at 2013, 2002. Ruto may not need the central vote in wholesome.
Na Ruto asipotoboa?
He doesn’t have to have Mt Kenya vote though he would sail through with it. I can only talk on my behalf, hii wizi imezidi tu sana. We cant continue thie way as a country. Haiwezekani.
Lets assume all things equal now and 2022. Understand that as of now its either him or Rao. UK managed to split Nyanza( non Luo), Western, and Coast. In the first 2 regions, WSR is not as popular( or well liked) as UK. But can he repeat UK’s fete? If he cant, even with central support, he will loose. But then again, will Rao run? So much will happen between now and then.
There are dynamics that will come into play. Arap Singh is not being viewed positively by those who face the mountain. It’s being viewed as rude to oppose Muthamaki. Wazees huko are reconsidering their stand.
hustler is heading nowhere. two words, CHAPTER SIX. In 2003, ruto was allover the placing warning the government of mwai wa kibaki, against investigating moi. sasa wacha tuone if moi will warn the government against interfering with Ruto.
rao running is handing Ruto victory, i’m pretty sure rao knows that. the game is simple. ruto will not be on the ballot box.
Mzee M01 is totally untouchable so is Kibaki. Tuongee yaliyomo.
Read your post again. Does it make logical sense? Or any sense at all?
Who is the idiot called Kalenjins?
Who talked about them? [SIZE=1]Wee na kínua gíakuu. …[/SIZE]
that is an old clip, there are still several cards to be played
What’s not making logical sense ? ? ?what do you think will be the culmination, to all these drama of the so called lifestyle audit ?