The price is a bargain
He he…forty thousand…so a Taifa laptop is more expensive than this ploy
buroti maguta maguta??
I don’t know the price of a Taifa
I’m going to go see. I’ve wasted 40K on senseless things so this will be easy
How legit is this?
please help me understand kenyans obsession with land…they will purchase land in the middle of nowhere bora its a good deal.
I guarantee that place is in the middle of nowhere… utapelekwa uchoke.
Where exactly is that? Mimi shamba laikipia nachukua 3acres for 300k. Lakni buroti for that amount near any urban setup… sifkiri inaweskana, labda huko karibu baringo, Churo, Amaiya, Mathenge farm etc
Land is reason our forefathers went into the forest to fight the white devil. Land is what the Chinese are after. Land is what causes 99% of the conflicts on earth.
A without land is a lost man.
South Africans in the Soweto townships dream of owning land to get away from the horrible mess they live in.
Kenyans are not wrong to want as much land as possible because all wealth can be traced to land. Gold, trees, crops, building stones, pasture etc
I think you’re right but with Kenya on an upward bound trajectory I’m not going to stress about remoteness of the place as long as the sale is legit
I will let you know when I go visit.
Remember Maina kanageni selling land in middle of nowhere in kajiado and talking of greenhouse comes with it only to realize it was a hoax? Si kenyans bought like crazy? This is a country where someone buys land, waits for 100 yrs to sell it double the original amount. Then that’s profit. .
Hizo za Kagayni were too expensive.
But many naive kenyans fell to it and they never went to see the land. Just bought in a hush
100 years ni mingi saaana
“Near a Police Station” - You have been told.
Nilishindwa what that means. When I go to see I’ll be sure to share my assessment of the area. Even if I don’t like it I’ll sure enjoy visiting those sides
Yes. Naskia Optiven did the same thing to their customers.
That’s my point
I am sure if the burotis exist utanyoroshwa ba pokotis same day