For those self-hating Africans like Ndindu and others who think all African leaders are bad and corrupt like our own first president, meet Seretse Khama. A non-corrupt president. A non racist president. A development minded president. Today Botswana’s Gdp per capita is $18,000, one of the highest in Africa. Watch this very informative video and you will learn something about good African leadership. Our problem as Africans is not the colour of our skin, our problem is our rotten leaders.
He laid a very good foundation.
Our old geezer laid us a very poor foundation of lies, tribalism, corruption, grabbing and assassinations of right minded leaders.
This is the foundation that we need to correct by all means.
That’s the only time that kenyans will realize freedom
Bado we are now still colonized by dynasties propagating the same by manipulating katiba
Nonsense. Botswana is a poor country. All that money belongs to anglo-gold company, all going to europe. Why do they have slums with that gdp per capita?
70% of that money belongs to botswanans. Halafu nimesema they are the richest country in subsaharan Africa with per capita Gdp of $18,000. Kama huelewi per capita Gdp ni nini sema uelezewe badala ya kupayuka
I doubt it would be that high if their population was as high as ours. Plus they have minerals and we don’t. Thanks to the KANU era economic policies we remained afloat during the Cold War period, also don’t forget that the succesion between Jomo and Moi was one of the only peaceful ones during the seventies. Moi’s imperial presidency prevented any succesful coup d’etat or civil war. So basically we could have done better but we also could have done a lot worse.
A bonobo just took over. Lets wait and see.
Sierra Leon has Minerals, Angola has minerals… What’s their excuse?
There is a movie about him, " A United Kingdom"
I agree with you actually. We could have done worse.
The guy was progressive minded. Marrying a white woman when that was unheard of. Then becoming a good founding father of his country. Why did Kenya get such a terrible founding father?
Our leaders are mostly our reflections
It had nothing to do with his marrying a mzungu and also maintaining numerous wazungu workers in his government? I understand his wife was influential in running national affairs.
It had something to do with the success. Chasing away whites when blacks were 100% illiterate in Botswana would have been a very stupid thing to do. He was wise enough to know that black people needed time to gain knowledge before joining government. If he had plucked uneducated bonobos from the village and put them in government, Botswana would be worse than Somalia.
Kenyatta had a white wife. what good did that do us? You are calling others self hating but then mentioning an african president marrying a white woman as if it is a good thing
Botswana is very poor, gdp per capita is a bad measure of wealth. If you measured the average gdp per capita of Gatundu residents, they’d all be rich because mama ngina lives there yet gatundu still has a jigger problem
same in Botswana, the average gdp per capita is high but income inequality is also high
Marrying a white woman is not the issue. The issue is that he was a good man. Not a goon like our founding father.
I don’t think the op can see the irony in his story. He is addressing self hating blacks by pointing out a black king who married a white woman!
Despite huge criticism from all quarters, he then stood by her 100% and even refused to fire colonial workers in his govt.
He then formed a working relationship with the worst enemy of African mineral rich countries : DeBeers!
Can’t find a bigger sellout than Seretse Khama.
What happened? He couldn’t find a worthy African lady in all of Botswana? He marries the enemy brings her home and gives her lots of power. Meanwhile next door Mandela is rotting in jail.
Have you watched the video?
I don’t know why he even mentioned Botswana. That country is even worse than gabon or equatorial guinea. But most Africans are like children, taken by appearances, ignorant of substance