Northern Rangelands Trust

The Northern Rangelands Trust’s so-called community conservancies are no more than buffer zones, intelligence gathering stations and gatekeepers to keep white-owned ranches safe from the pastoralist menace,I treat this thing with suspicion sana.

Ni ya kusema ma peasants wakae kona ile na wasisumbue wadau

they’re secret foreign bases

Proof ni muhimu aisee

I have worked with NRT in Wamba/Isiolo. No, they are not buffer zones…About them being Intelligent gathering stations, am here to hear and learn from you. By the way, they are (or have) established conservancies in Pokot…there are no whites there though

What has the colonizer done this time?

If the conservation trust land, will not eventually disinherit the people in favour of Tourism Business and Ranches, and other activities, it is not a bad idea.
However, imagine an assemble of people going into Canada from i.e. Brazil or Turkey to setup a Conservation Trust on behave of indigenous Aboriginal Canadians, the Inuits, Metis, Eskimo; setting up a land trust of huge tracks of territory, over half of the country land mass, Northern and Western Canadian territory with funding from Uruguay embassy, African Union Aid fund and Rosneft oil company. How settled would Canada be with regards to that development?

Territories, especially such large land acreage need to fall under the oversight and jurisdiction of the state. Approximately 56 million acres (230,000 km2) of land in the United States is owned by the United States government in trust for Native American tribes and individuals, like wise in Canada.
