Nokia phones app killer too agressive and kills even important apps.

Is anyone over here using a nokia smarphone running android 9.0? Seemingly, its battery saver does a “very good” job. It kills all apps after 20 minutes… therefore, even if you turn on notifications for apps such as whatsapp etc you don’t receive them until you open the app. Many people have complained in various forums.

Some people did an investigation into Nokia phones’ aggressive memory management and they found out that a system app called “Battery Protection” (package: com.evenwell.powersaving.g3) exist that kills background activity of some apps after 20 minutes. Tried it but most apps still don’t work. Anybody with the same issue? I’m using nokia 5.1 plus (x5)


sijai kutana na io shida kwa Xiaomi

I think I experienced this when I used Nokia. Sync stopped working reliably i.e. Telegram messages, Skype notifications, email (Gmail & Outlook), etc only synced when I opened their respective apps. It was so infuriating, the one major reason I ditched Nokia – that and hardware issues.

Nokia ni shida tu. Tafuta brand nyingine.

The darn phone doesnt even save contacts to your gmail account. No contacts are displayed because gmail is not active during a call.

Nokia yangu haidetect any audio file kwa storage…hizi simu ni trash tu sana

Try the instructions in this site. Helped with my phone

Naskia there is a hidden system app called duraspeed that needs to be disabled via adb commands. You can google the process. But ensure you have enabled developer mode…

Its reccomended to first do a factory reset