No thanks


There is good reason that ours is a profession that takes several years of learning and practice to master

There are several imposters , charlatans , novices , jokers and conmen floating around with all types of cures or procedures that have resulted in malpractice , permanent injury and even death.

Rest assured that a good man somewhere will still love you with Your Mango sized petite Breasts

You don’t need to risk your health (…or life …) trying to acquire giant Udders …!!! :blush:.


Nowadays any TikTok Insta Snap and similar celebrities who die, have to be described by the number of followers that they had, unaskia she had 100k followers, or the model which has 2m subscribers, the viral video when she died had 50k views.

Sir ,
Did you not see Mr Balthazar Engonga pounding away much more vigorously in his many video clips …???

Women are very strange creatures
It is difficult at times to know whether it is Pain or Pleasure (… or Both…) that they are experiencing …!! :joy: :rofl: :fire:

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Didn’t watch him, but it’s true some women (maybe all) sometimes want to be handled roughly. Some are in fact very aggresive people indeed😂


These have certainly been ‘loved’

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