No Mercy

Who are these people who attend this church

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those who need spiritual nourishment

or the humour, like Churchill show

Nilijiuliza hio swali nikachoka nakupata migraine


Looks like a script

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Pastor akiongea rude hivyo sigwesi rudi huko tena

The same type of Kenyans that vote for the type of leaders (thieves) we have, alafu kwa ballot they outnumber right thinking kenyans 9 to 1.

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He is attacking the government, he is trying to open the eyes of the people. Najua elders will look at it from an african perspective (Nyumba ya maombi). Hio ni message na nusu…
The governement…affordable housing ni za kina nani…etc


Hapa ng’ang’a anajua nini anafanya. Just trying to tell kenyans how useless they are…
Serkali inawabeba ujinga sana. A reminder that they should vote wisely. My view.

Scripted as stated by Kodivoa

ofcourse he helped her in private after but hataki watu wamzoee kukuja msaada kwake

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The Chief Commander is right. The church is a place of prayer, ukitaka rent or nyumba uliza sirkal.

Religious fools. Utapata end month akipata salo ama akipata gig poa impatie pesa she will take 10% or more to that same pastor. People should normalize sending that 10% to their financial struggling close relatives than giving it to these pastors. You would be helping the society a lot.