'‘English is not a measure of intelligence .’'Bonobo proverb
Let the Bonobo sell in Omogusii to a German Firm!
True…I once got an opportunity at a European Union funded project 11years ago simply because my competitor at the final interview had a very heavy mountain accent…wazungus were struggling to understand him…mimi na ka- accent ka kiluhyia plus some private school nikapenya…very unfair…
My wife also got lucky at some very good job simply because she had very good presentation skills…and that’s exactly what they were looking for…confidence and superb communication skills.
vernacular pia
Kwanza fluency in venacular ni muhimu time ya elections…mimi I can’t dare compete with the current politicians pale vihiga juu mimi my venacular ni ile ya kubahatisha
It is a foreign language, commanding a fair amount of it displays ability to change.
oh yes ,bt si unaelewa lugha,? matamshi uta improve polepole
In reality it depends on the target… Speaking to a Kikuyu in Magendo Ma Hiti deep in Nyandarua wouldn’t win you votes… Again, speaking English to a French client will not win you contracts over the firms with French speakers… But either way, you must learn how to communicate effectively! You can have a good command of a language and still fail to communicate! I have been to the USA a few times and what surprises me is how good most of the people at public speaking… I think this is heavily emphasized there…
Hapo kwetu if you can’t crack jokes in luhyia sahau…you can’t compete with clowns like Titus mukwana khamala…people attend rallies to laugh at his jokes
Wueeh, that would be a major disaster.
Of course its not. After all its a foreign language and you cant expect someone in Africa to speak it fluently like a native speaker in the UK or the US. The fact that you can speak it is proof enough you are good to go.
You dont expect a European to speak an African language than the African himself unless he was born here.
guyz you are very stupid , jamaa amesema ABILITY TO SPEAK AND WRITE, but 90% of the replies naona watu munasema ability to speak ENGLISH , hakuna mahali jamaa ame quote English
Just assumed he’s talking about the language he posted in
The trick is: have eff effective hard and soft skills. Sadly, most people focus on the former
I once bidded for a consultancy and we got short listed to the final two, mimi na some Ugandan guy. The Ugandan had a phd that he shoved in their face. The panel didn’t know how the process had become lengthy and how I had reached that far in the process. The Ugandan had good papers but something was not clicking to the multinational populated panel. My experience and kisomo kept me in the race. The panel decided no more paperwork and Skype, we go for a face to face. I unpacked my kingoso taratibu and they were all nodding. That’s how I got the gig, all this time they hadn’t put a finger on why they weren’t ready to hire the Ugandan despite his papers, I made them realize that it was his communication
In English yeah. Take a coasterian and place him to speak Swahili in public. Result will be similar.
You may have good communication skills but lack knowledge and ideas.
He did not mention English.
How can I learn to communicate effectively both orally and in writing?