[ATTACH=full]372129[/ATTACH] Swiss Federation President - Didier Burkhalter at a train Station in Zurich .
[…Notice that even the people around him do not seem to have any interest in him … ]
A whole Swiss President at a Train Station going Home …
No Noisy motorcades , sirens or armed goons wasting precious Taxpayers money …
Our Leadership have a lot to learn from the Swiss …
Bure Kabisa … :mad:
They face no threat. They have served their people well not looting everywhere. Kenya the opposite. It would be real stupid for konyagi and co to attempt this
LEt me assure you that everyone in the carriage is usually a bodyguard. Everyone within 5 meters f him is a bodyguard. Actually it’s wrong to do this since it only makes it harder for the bodyguards to do their job, which means they have to spend more on logistics and planning. it’s amuch easier to plan a secret route to and from work
Upuss. Kuna nchi fiongosi wao hawana shida na watu. The french president would ride to work before wild woriahs showed up as assylum seekers. british cabinet ministers are known to take the train to work lie everyone else.
Fiongosi wa Kenya were photographed walking in the Hague while pocketing wakichekacheka na hakuna mtu aliwauliza.
In some countries the Political elite have no reason to fear the ordinary mwananchi. Why should they? So the need for bodyguards is only limited to special occasions.
A presidency in Switzerland huwa ni ceremonial , na huwa anakuwa elected na parliament , na term yake ni one year . Roles zake mostly Ni kurepresent Switzerland kwa international meetings , probably kuna watu wengi huko hata hawajui president yao ni Nani.
Nonsense kusema a leader can satisfy all citizens of a country such that he faces no threat to his life. It is naïve ku-assume that, because any country is divided into different groups with competing interests where the leader’s decision determines whose interests are met because of limited resources or in cases where there is a zero sum game- meaning every gain made by a group constitutes a loss by the another group. a leaders decision in such cases will always put his life at risk.