irregardless is a proper English word, mzeiya
irregardless is a proper English word, mzeiya
Irrigadless or whatever you say is not proper English
Next time do a proper research before rushing to reply to me
Your spelling is not proper English!
First known use of the work irregardless is 1795!! And, yes, it’s usage has always been controversial… but it’s an English word nonetheless!!
can we move back to the obituary irregardless?
Yaani there is no receipt attached to the obituary records?
Si mjamaa apatikane kisha he produces receipts for a totally different ad. Defamation lawsuit loading. That’s how he makes 20m plus costs.
Guys pliz. Learn something little about journalism. Don’t drag innocent journalists into this wanjagi/wanjigi issue.
Obituaries don’t fall anywhere you are placing journalists. Commercials and classifieds fall under marketing department of the media house concerned.
A rogue marketer may snitch an obituary, classified or a commercial advert that may end up being printed. It’s no journalist work to check out the contents the obituary unless it’s for Television or radio.
Though am not on support of katheri media, this one is far away from them journalists
I think you mean a death notice,obituaries have designated writers
The comments are also not generally specific to this incident alone but the garbage that is githeri media as a whole. If qualifications of the “media personalities” are made public you will be surprised that’s its just individuals from a market baraza taking the lion share. Its easier for a comedian to get a job there than a graduate journalist. The editorial teams are a mix bag of blackmailers, extortionist, cartels and crooks for hire. They even have their own companies I.e “360 degrees” among many that they outsource their employers work to in order to get a bigger brown envelope. All those guest panelists, columnist etc are just targeted attack dogs for a specific function or person. The message government is telling this media owners is that the line was drawn kitambo only that the friction is now open. Either they take back control of their stations or we know they are fully behind it. Lies, half truths and crooked reports against government is one thing. Allowing hate speech, tribal profiling, division and treason acts on live broadcast is a security threat to everyone including themselves and it wouldn’t be allowed.
I agree with you,just wanted to show the dude above that if you term your death notices as an obituary then an editor should and must be involved.You can’t have your cake and eat it too,media said that they can self regulate and the cctv footage of the stranger is a red herring and a poor one at that…The idiot who allowed for such incompetence should have been sacked like yesterday
Agreed 100%, no excuses for incompetency.
Between the IQ of a door knob and that of a door mat how dumb are you?
Can journalist investigate a criminal act
I concede that you my friend are suffering from sophomania,continue swaddling your member guy
Looks like a campus students bar bet. Some guy says “I bet I can have a prominent Kenyan falsely reported as dead in the obituary section of a local daily” and the other guys are like “get the f*ck outta here” so they made the bet and he’s now going to collect.
The guy will not go to jail because Jiggiman is anti government. Prosecutor will not find enough evidence to charge him. Advanced game chaffu
Did you actualize the point up there?
… but it’s an English word regardless !!
Put in the dictionary because people insist on using it
Hope this settles the useless argument…
This is a media house,soundtracks are them but I dont expect police to release videos with soundtracks coz sio movie tunaona Mr.Mucatha