Njugush ignores the haters and buys another Super Metro Matatu

ako na connections ikishikwa anapigia OCS inatolewa faster


Tag me when you post. Driver na Makanga make more than the owner? Wanakula yote?

Niliskia it works well if you’re both the owner and driver.

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Wewe Alex ulikuwa ushatuandikia novel hapa as an expert in everything badala uwache industry leaders waongee sasa unaulizia maswali tena?
Sponge Bob Shut Up GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


I don’t know shit about matatus

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Kama amenunua aweke mbisha ya logbook karibu na gazeti ya leo.

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Its 10k per day. Huwa na guranteed clients juu wanapanda line plus huwa inaenda route yeyote

Shamba ya ushago ya inheritance huwa haiuzwi.


Seems like he did his research thoroughly and it worked! Transport industry ya Kenya ni very brutal and very few make consistent profits


Kesho ilifika jana. Where is the thread?

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as future investors

I respect a prostitute more than a matatu owner.


Guys forget this njugush is a content creator with network Kali so ata gari zake half the time ziko private hire. You think when he’s shooting content ata hire gari ya gani for his crew? Ana bill 25k pap na maybe it’s a commercial so sio yeye ana lipa. Hujaona when international artists show up, they always ask for a matatu ride, akiwa kwa hizo circles si ni yake inafanya hio job. So ako far ahead of regular owners


Hii biashara ya matatu ni ya ujinga sana. Ile mat (Toyota hiece- high roof) nilibuyia shosh wa babymama hadi Leo bado napatanga invoices za repair and what not kutoka kwa mechanic wangu na sijawai shika hata ndururu … from that shyte. Bure kabisa. And then juzi Dec vile tulienda ku visit shosh wake, she had the guts to tell her, so casually too, that she will get her a newer one, ati juu io imechapa saidi. The way she said it, was like she was gonna just go pick it up from the corner store, like it were a pack of cigarette.
Kumuuliza form niaje, she was like, you should have said no then. Walai … niliskia mlima kofi lakini nakasema haidhuruu… juu ya mtoi alikuwa na pia ako na ball. So now I have to pay for maintenance ya mat mbili zenye sitawai kuona hata bob. Hasara juu ya hasara.


Wacha kelele, ukiiba ngombe 50 hapo suguta valley si imetosha gari mbichi hapo Mombasa :grin:


Congratulations :clap:

You mean that’s the reason he bought the second one?
You is a dolt

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Hii naingojea kwa hamu na ghamu!

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Simind kuwasaidia at all, and I think therein lies my problems. Nimewatoa mbali as it is, mbali sana to be honest. What gets on my nerves ni vile, she has become entitled and she expects me to play ball all the time. She doesn’t bother to consult with me anymore, she tells me shyte after the fact. Sijui ni mimba inasumbua yeye ama nini. Nashuku this second pregnancy imefanya amemea pembe big-time. Anajua sahii hakuna mahali anaenda tena, hashaingiza miguu yote ndani. I think anajaribu prove to her family, she has me locked juu they never truly believed she would survive the onslaught agaist our relationship from my family. Which she wouldn’t have, kama siku simama na yeye. She’s only 25 tho’ … so I understand her excitement. It’s all good.


Just a small kiswahili correction rustler,ukiandika ashaingiza to denote affirmative usieke h mwanzoni to imply the opposite. I get it’s an issue from where you come from -pokot dungeons


Well noted sir…