
I have a hp pavilion 11 laptop x360 that has been working well.Of late no sound from speakers and earphones but interestingly nkiconnect na hdmi kwa tv inawork poa. Nsaidieni na possible solutions alafu pia kama ni sound IC chip ndio shida,places naweza pata. asante

First of all Hp pavilions’ series are all shitty and have hardware issues…try resetting the drivers

HDMI sound processer is usually bombproof unless you fcuk the mobo.
Your problem seems to be from hardware, i.e broken jack port or screwed IC chip.
Check playback devices in notification area.
Confirm by checking windows sound settings in control panel. Check if speakers are enabled, IF NOT set em’ as default playback device

Check the default playback device with the hdmi unplugged, control panel> sound…


@crasher_18 @code ninja @ kermit Asante sana nyote,i followed your guidelines lakini bado…fundi amedai ICsound chip imechapa,nashangaa aje…Ni Realtek ALC 2227 kuipata ndii inakua shida,mtu anaeza jua vile naeza pata hii IC sound chip atakua amenisaidia sana.thanks

try USB sound cards. never used one but ulizia ulizia.
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@ kermit asante sana…i think this will be my last option…nangojea hii sato nmeambiliwa msee anaeza kua na IC

Allow me to thank you now…hii site moto sana,one stop shop bana. Acha nkitatua hii shida yangu (hardware) niichangamkie design ya noma

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