Is a filthy homosexual dog .all evidence point that this is a faggot:D:D:D:D:D:D this dog should be lynched .
[ATTACH=full]441995[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]441996[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]441997[/ATTACH]handle @Tauren is @Nipe Nikusifu a.k.a @Mrs. Chantel . The patterns of faggotry is saddening . Calling men babe and openly declaring the weird sexual orientation.
When I confronted the ghaseeer he claims to be kanyewest , eti bipolar.
You are madman, seek medical help urgently bro
No it’s retaliation to what your other handles have started . Seems the madman has an @Obaba handle
Tauren=Night Core=Sledgehammer.