Nimeamini sasa


iko real juu amekujiwa na watu wengi na gari kubwa kubwa? thts how government officials travel, to instill fear, Covid19 is a SCAM. We are all positive and will not die.

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]What about the numbers of Kenyans who succumbed to it, according to CS Kagwe

those are the normal figures we have, out of every 1000 kenyans 5.4 will die each new day. if Corona Virus was real we would be having over 20 deaths for every 1000 kenyans.

Mass testing shows many kenyans are positive, and are going about their normal activities. Why are they not dying at home? Why are our hospitals not recording increased numbers of sick people? Why are there no people dying in Old Town mombasa?

Conduct mass testing. You will discover we are all positive

bana I didn’t like you either lakini usikufe bratha, times are tough for everyone na we all could use some humanity.

lakini kuna watu wengine hawajajua hivo, lord have mercy

@Tom Bayeye says
