Nikolai Tesla

I watched a history channel documentary about this Genius, they claimed that he is the father of over 80% of all your household electronic… He imagined a world where energy would be free, He died broke trying to give this world some wireless electricity, he made his coil which was his greatest achievement, his test was a success, his bulbs would light without any wire…had he lived longer, electricity would had been free today, the whole world would be having electricity through radio waves… This means no fuel for your car, this means no charging of your phones… He had to die… Things went South the moment he said that he had received a communication from outer space…he thought he was in contact with Aliens or probably a Martian. Another reason why you should not fight the Americans


Because they are in contact with aliens?


Because they are big beneficiaries of oil and cable electricity… Giving free energy means no more copper wires, and no more oil mining.


Alafu powerful cartels and other government officials who own shares in the energy sector waitikie!! its either you sell them the idea venye kijana flani aliuzia safcom mpesa ama wakufrustrate na projects zako your whole life

Tin foil on ma nigga I get you[ATTACH]102780[/ATTACH] now they in the white house



Planet runs on money if you make energy free you will ruin governments,tax systems na high class jambazis and they can’t let that happen


Major Corporations my guy they run everything to who is gonna be the next president [ATTACH]102783[/ATTACH]

Hiyo picha ya Kelly Anne is some scary stuff

Propagnda bullshit from the left tin foil theorists like our very own example here[ATTACH]102784[/ATTACH]

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real scary or alternative scary ?

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Coz she looks like that skull

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[ATTACH]102787[/ATTACH] These days they are both taken as fact






Thats how thick our leaders are… They can’t think of how else they can tax us apart from energy… Give energy to citizens and they shall never be your slaves… But you will have something to tax them

He was ahead of his time.

Are the Teslar cars riding on the same ideology hence the name ?


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Elon Musk- the nigga who wants to go to mars[ATTACH]102796[/ATTACH] it ain a coincedence

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Good one… This dudes ideas was a threat to many businesses, he knew that slaves would have their freedom at last… They literally executed him and stole all his work.


Something stupid is he never wants to associate himself with the fact that he is AFRICAN. yes that mzungu is African -born in south Africa . But he tells people he is Canadian American . Another tiger woods BS.