Africans and S. Americans are the only peoples in the world who completly abandoned their spiritual heritage. Unaona when the Arabs then the Europeans came we foresook our rich spirituality for an organised foreign religious structure. Other cultures atleast preserved their ways where the body was used in spiritual process. The hindus preserved their Yoga, The buddist had Meditation and The Taoist had Tai-Chi exercises.
Sisi hapa we are vilifying our own practices. When I was a boy visiting my grand-folks in Nyamira there was an allure about Night Runners tis was a deep mystery. Sikuelewa kwanini but looking back maybe our african spirits were calling out for that form of action something we have been brainwashed to hate and fear.
can’t comprehend considering every nation you mentioned got colonized, conquered and shafted in the process ,a few might have “forsaken their rich spirituality for an organised foreign religious structure” indeed but i think you are biased on christianity and islam.Consider the moors ,they were the alshabab of back then,there was no islamism in west africa let alone Saudi Arabia who were animists by the time they were submissive.Kindly state straight facts and avoid the word “The only people in the world”. There are people who got conqured by women and had to do the dishes you know,religion is/was but a subtle way of conquering folks rather than a pole through the rectum
We had built a system centered around human welfare and community we should have mixed the religions instead of replacing it. Tungekuwa na hybrid christianity itself is a hybrid of jewish traditions and some greco-roman practices and beliefs
yes ,but do you know that majority of the modern cultures were instilled by the conquerors way back before they realised that always .would break them?
Christianity has alot of european especially southern european infused traditions in it kama christmass is a pagan holiday. Ama unafikiria it was adopted ivo kavu kavu the religion which has kept its true form mostly ni islam. That is why it cant adopt easly to the times
In the Roman province of Judea in what is today Israel by followers of Jesus. In reality the split between Judaism and Christianity happened so gradually that there is no specific date when Christianity can be said to have started. But between 70-100AD it had split from Judaism
Christianity as a religion began in Rome. Before then it wasn’t a religion. Even the early apostles never called their faith a religion. But it is debatable, since the first place where they were called Christians was in Antioch, Syria.