Was watching this video ya Elders react and was having debates in my mind against myself. Came to a conclusion that, Black people across the world should continue using the derogatory terms used against them by slave masters, colonialists, racists and haters as long as they exist.
By avoiding the use of these words, history will be erased. We need to remind these people every day of the actual history. Otherwise, the chances of history repeating itself are extremely high. So my black people, nigger up, kaffir up your vocabularies so that we keep the truth alive.
FYI, I heard some white people call Black people Mondays. “Because everyone hates them”.
Use it as long as you can. Just like the Jews use the holocaust to milk everyone dry. Jay z says some truth, kidogo kidogo wanasema he is Anti-Semitic. Nigga sang about slavery, oppression, race lynchings for 3 minutes and Jews and money for 5 seconds, all that those white people heard and saw was anti-Semitism. Which is why I insist, black people should continue to use slavery, colonialism, and racism as long as Jews use the Holocaust, as long as white people exist, lest we forget. God, if he exists, will forgive them.
Our duty as the nigga nation is to find weapons better than nukes and sink Europe, the cradle of disaster. Ata ikiwa na juju. Optionally we can nigga up that continent from Lisbon to Siberia. Race mix that shit up and send white extinct.