Nigeria is about to fall down

Najua the economics of refining oil.Ama unafikiria Dangote aki invest 10 billion dollars to build a refinery in Lagos hajui kile anafanya?

Hapo umetudanganya, Norway has two major refineries.
It does not make economic sense for any country to export crude and import refined!

Your argument doesn’t apply to coffee either,
big coffee consumers buy processed coffee from S America and the Caribbean.
I wonder who needs to educate themselves?:smiley:

Wow. You really have limited knowledge about international affairs and foreign aid. Countries use foreign aid to negotiate trade ties. No aid means no leverage. For every dollar of aid donated to Africa, you can be rest assured five dollars get back to the US and other European countries. “Give us the contract for this project…or else you stop getting free ARVs” etc etc. It is not aid, it is business. After all, if they don’t donate and bonobos die en mass, who will do all the hard work to produce raw materials in Africa?? They need Africans to work in mines, farms etc to provide raw materials for their industries. They cannot allow them to die in big numbers…the same way you wouldn’t allow your best employee afungiwe single room pale Githurai if he helps you make 20 times his rent. Utamlipia mwezi moja kama advance.

One may ask, why not rely on bribes only? Bribes are pocketed by politicians and government officials. Aid helps mwananchi directly. Aid is therefore used as leverage against the politicians and top govt officials. E.g if USA donates ARVs to Kenya, and it wants an infrastructure contract such as building a road to Mombasa, it can threaten to withdraw the aid if Uhuru fails to play ball. That would make it difficult for Uhuru to run the country.

Wachana na huyu alipata scholarship sasa she thinks she’s Hillary Clinton’s sister. She also believes she’s white and looks at us back home in disdain . hii corona naomba ifanye kazi vilivyo huko

Wacha kutetea mediocrity from our fellow African brothers. Mbona gava yao haijajenga refinery? It can even be a small refinery to supply their domestic economy and other African economies. Nani amekuambia lazima waexport to developed countries??

Don’t forget where you come from. That is the biggest mistake you can ever make in life. Being a naturalised citizen of America does not mean you should look down upon other less fortunate souls in this world.

Nigerians are liberal-minded. Let them deal with their own problem in their own style. Ikifikaa ni ya Kenya si you know!

Remind me of that Kiswahili saying that loosely translates: When your friend is being shaved, paka mate pia

wacha werehere. Can you explain why unit oil internationally is a barrel of crude and not a litre of refined oil

I’m just saying this habit of USA giving free money to other countries yet we have poor Americans needs to stop. All it has earned us is hate. You remember when HIV almost wiped out Africans from the face of the earth, GW Bush stepped in with pepfar. It’s unfair. American taxpayer money should be prioritized towards helping American citizens first and foremost.

Lol. Which contracts and projects are these? The Chinese took everything yet they can’t volunteer to sponsor pepfar. Kuleni ujeuri wenu. America first.

Yes pepfar saved African lives. That is a fact. What i don’t agree with is that Make America great again mantra which wants Americans to lock themselves in that landmass. If that is what you want then good. America will become irrelevant and that will be good for everybody. Na mkianza kupigwa marisasi na hao wazungu tafadhali, msianze kutusumbua.

Hawa ndio utawaona jkia first thing with their fake accents complaining of horrible accommodation for their corona laden bodies

American aid is used to buy geopolitical support. You wouldn’t know these things.
In the coming cold war with China, America cannot afford to withdraw from world affairs since it means handing over a continent -with a population of 2 billion by 2030 and full of untapped minerals - to China on a silver platter.
Kuna kitu inaitwa great power competition. You want as many countries to your side as possible and hoard resources and create a captive market for your products and services.

It’s too late. China has already conquered Africa while we’re acting like fools giving away free money to earn leverage. Which contracts have Americans been given in Africa? Africa is a net exporter to the US yet we get zero contracts. Ni upuzi. I don’t think much would change if America withdrew even their military support. Let China fight alshabab for once. American taxpayers are tired of supporting ungrateful countries yet New York doesn’t have enough ventilators. The USD will always be a fiat currency even if perhaps less powerful anyway.

Don’t wish for the fake petrodollar to tumble because that will be the end of America. When people will no longer need to use the dollar to trade, that will be end of America. That will be the end of American arrogance and illegal bombing of women and children in third world countries.

I don’t know what “werehere” is, but if it’s what’s getting you confused, basi itupilie mbali.:D:D
Your contention was Norway didn’t have a refinery, and I proved you wrong, you also said that countries don’t import refined oil which is not true either

A barrel is simply a unit of measure based in the old barrels oil was shipped in.

The dollar will certainly collapse very soon. Just a matter of when, not if. I think this coronavirus will hasten its demise. And no, China will not take over. Hapa ndio NWO itaingia. Mark my words.

The world is about to change drastically. How I wish it were not true, but these things must happen.

What is NWO, forgive my ignorance.

New world order. I read a report that 50% of America’s GDP will be wiped out if this things drag on for 18 months (when a vaccine becomes available)!

Wewe if you are poor in the usa then u need to deport yourself wacha machungu on money u didnt provide ,a country where teenagers make millions just talking shit on Social media platforms opportunities ziko everywhere wonder why they put a travel ban on Nigerian citizens…stop sounding like a white republican from south carolina who watches fox news.