nice guys finish last

Good honest men always finish last ! yes, they are ranked last on the pussy chain nd they can only fuck afta the bad boys have facked, infact, good honest men can only eat leftovers frm sponsors, married men nd atha men of means. Ladies really hates nd loathes good men, if u look closely in campus nd medium level colleges u will clearly see that most beautiful, curvy nd bootlicious ladies are all booked by old sponyos, married men nd bad boys ! infact, this ladies will be picked by this men every Friday evening to be spoiled the whole weekend only for them to appear on Monday morning walkin like sick kangaroos due to a weekend of heavy pussy dismantling nd alcohol. Good honest broke guys can only salivate nd look frm a far as all the best pussiez are fucked mercilessly, this phenomena is replicated in all atha aspects of life even in the work places where the cutest lady will always be the bosses best meal ! Its only afta this sweet bootylicious ladies are used, misused nd dumped that they remember that good honest men really exist, yes, the same ladies who spent their most beautiful days walkin like peacocks nd splashing their wet pussiez to ’ financially stable men’ will then come back to their senses afta been dumped nd start warming up to the same same honest men they hated nd loathed . When this leftovers hit 35+ yrs they shamelessly drop their skimply trousers nd mgongo wazis nd buy vitenges then invade the nearest churches where they pretends to be ’ holy marias’ just to hoodwink nd trap the good guys, most even join the church choir nd become born agains ! Its too bad that most unsuspecting guys fall for this creature, too bad but that’s the reality of awa times, many good guys have fallen for this former sperm dustbins nd even married them only for this men to live a life of regret nd bitterness since most of this rascals have nothing to offer in marriages apart frm overused pussiez , nagging. paranoia, nd empty wombs due to multiple abortions while in campus nd colleges. But then, who cursed the good honest men ? why is it that they only eat when the lions nd hyenas have eaten ? When will good honest men ever get the best pussiez ? For how long will good boys feed on leftovers frm old sponyos, married men nd bad boys ?

Are these notes to self?

Do you have a job?

Pole budda, tupe hekaya venye umepata 3rd grade puthy

-broke college boy child (21-30 yrs boy) -intern 1st job clerk sales person etc starts a hustle financially dependent on job is good loyal n honest=pussy repellant

-31-55 yrs rich niccer HD, manager , hustle picks ,now financially independent =pussy magnate

Inakaa wewe ni mtu wa kupewa ma thru pass baada ya mafisi kufeast…

The rule of the jungle. That’s just how life has worked through the ages. Survival for the fittest. Man up and enter the race. Maybe the meek don’t inherit the earth after all.


You can always sample fresh p***ies if you want to.It’s all about making a move

Pussy is a reward for success. Work hard for it.

apana tambua, we’ll still dismantle used puthy… for research purposes

The question is, how do you tilt the odds in your favor? Work smarter. Remember, a woman would rather date a guy who beats her within an inch of her life, than a guy who bores them to death. Good guys = boring. Most bad boys aren’t even rich, but they are never boring so kama form zako ni za ufala dame atajitoa tu.

Edit after copy pasting.

Ugua pole pole

Boss, simply change your hunting ground, thank me later

A sponsor can fuck all he wants, a woman can only love a man, never his money.

na leo umeongea kitu ya maana

The guys getting good quality pussies, are those timid quiet boys we with in primary schools, who were well disciplined and stayed focused, and later on got good paying jobs.
The other group of guys, are those who were born into families of means, and ended up inheriting some wealth.
The 3rd group, is that of self made men, who started of disadvantaged, but all in all made it in life. In most cases, these men married when they were still hustling and never managed to marry classy women. You hardly see them together with their wives.
Hii group ndio huwa inasumbua, I don’t know if they feel like the world owes them beautiful women or what ? Unapata mtu ako na girlfriend in almost all city colleges, they usually come out to me as people with certain social and metal deficiencies. Na bibi zao, you can’t look them twice.
Then in all that, there’s female hypergamy

A saved beautiful single chick in her thirties ni moto ya kuotea mbali.


If the church doesn’t stop openly accepting born again hoes, Christianity as an institution will loose whatever little credibility left and collapse under its own weight.

I avoid born again over-religious church women like the plague. Once a woman is past the age of 24 years they sieze to exist to me.
I don’t understand how African men can still in 2018 support a foreign religion that permits girls a reckless satanic lifestyle when they are young so long as they seek forgiveness when they are fat, middle aged and desperate for a husband, suddenly the past doesn’t matter. The abortions, the baby-daddies, the syphilis and gonorrhea they all carry, used up coomer, yes none of that should matter bcoz some dumb simp is suppose to marry the creature because she sings the loudest during choir hymnals… Imagine buying a used probox at full Mercededs price. Kwani how stupid do these mamas think we are.
I suggest hustlers here open Whine shops and kittens pet-stores because those are the two industries that will be in high demand in 10 years.