Nice Floor Plans If Land / Space is A Major Limitation. Watu Wa 50*100

There is some hope for everyone today. The depths of your pockets is the only limitation. Here are some layouts I keep encountering every week in my field of work.

Kenya right now is just one Big Construction Site.

Electricians, Plumbers, Masons, Drivers, Carpenters, CCTV techs, LAN / Fiber, WiFi Techs, Satelite TV Techs, Interior Designers, Landscapers hamuwezi kosa kazi. Pesa iko kwa field sio kwa Ofisi huko 10th floor.

3BRM Compact 1



Unatoka kudinya bibi unaingia living room direct unapatana na wageni…

Yes if 50*100 is your thing.

Better than curtain partitioned houses that our police and other people reside in

One ndio best.

Jengea mamako kitu bwana, hata kama ni nyumba ya kuku au umbwa

Garbage… 50x100 ni plot kubwa sana unajenga 5 bed mansion iko mpaka na pool.
Wewe unaongelea kuhusu nyumba ziko kwa plots za 20*30

:smiley: Hii maneno gani

True but your Degree should have let you see "[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]The depths of your pockets is the only limitation" [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]in my opening statement.

In Object Oriented Programming I would have use the If else Statement

Hebu tuwekee BQ tuone how deep our pockets need to be

Excluding land value. Set aside Ksh 3M Minimum for Materials, Labour and modest finishing on the lower side. BQ sina saa hii but I can avail you one.
The usual sand, Cement, Roofing sheets, Plumbings, Electricals, Tiles (Optional), NCA paperwork,

People move in while houses are still under construction. tu anajenga akiishi instead of paying rent eti uingie nyumba ikiisha. Channel rent money into finishing

Wonder why bonobo build staircase mansions na at 65 kupanda ni sida. Bure kabisa Ngombe ici

. Hio size ya nyumba ni ndogo banae kwa 100x50 iko squeezed ka nanzenz Leta ya five bedroom sasa ,niko na ka project. Man hata ka ni “depth of your blah blah blah…” still small. Sina degree,dont shoot priiss!!!

Sawa will post 5 and 6 bedroom layouts tomorrow. Saa Hii Niko highway comp iko mbali

Malisa iyo mujamaa ya ndingrii polepole buana

Kuna ensuite guest room ground floor

My thoughts exactly!

Ghasia hii,nataka ya 4-bedroom

Weka ya 5br possible ikuwe flat roof. My time in a foreign land is fast coming to an end na sitaki nitoke hapa without doing even one project.

Pipi hawezi moan vizuri ukiingia mkia

I think 50x100 you can put such a plan and still remain with yard space.