I am damn sure about not only Gathanga, the neighbouring Wagutho which is further in if you know the area quite well…yes nitanunua after doing the necessary checks which is easy as that is family land so gossip is also something to go by. Thugs will always be there in that region of Kiambu Counday.
I trust my instincts on land matters.
Dude, Banana is a hot potato right now. All those regions are joined up i.e you cannot really separate Ruaka and Gachie…
Never knew it goes further in than Gathanga. I have distant relatives who have stayed there well over 15 years and till now there are complaints of thuggery mostly while walking early mornings or late nights. “Shanking” is also quite popular as the young men are agressive. Ndenderu i’d say is growing faster, though land is probably almost as expensive as Ruaka. However, if it’s family land and you can get some insight that would be helpful. Truth of the matter is land everywhere will rise at the end of the day. I’d give it 6+ years perhaps, but best bet is to buy ASAP if you’re certain.There’s a new bypass coming up that will expand that whole area. Be careful of KIambu Mafia though.
Tulitoka from affordable kibandaski… To land…
And if you keep going further in utajikuta Kanunga. Another prime area off Kiambu Rd. I am proceeding with the purchase with no intentions of developing it for now. I am from Kiambu so nawajua saaaaana. Ndenderu is unecessarily expensive…so will pass.
Anayhoooooo tutoke kwa thread ya wenyewe. Will update you elsewhere on how I get on. And we can share notes. You might know something I don’t so asante.
Hakuna shidaa, feel free to ask
You mean me 4 Guinness and her 4 cider
Bila food uko under 2k na food itabidi ujikaze kiasi
Very true, kunguru kwake anapika sukuma ugali or beans rice for one week…lakini when you take her out standards anaanza… keeping such people in your life will make you poor…