“…one should not attempt to win by force what can be won by deception”. Niccolò Machiavelli
Read more at: https://www.theeastafricanreview.info/op-eds/2018/06/09/kenyas-looming-resource-curse-dancing-to-machiavellis-drum/
E Review.
“…one should not attempt to win by force what can be won by deception”. Niccolò Machiavelli
Read more at: https://www.theeastafricanreview.info/op-eds/2018/06/09/kenyas-looming-resource-curse-dancing-to-machiavellis-drum/
E Review.
The term Machiavelli is sometimes used as a qualifier for someone who does sub-per work. Machiavellian Kenyan Mps for instance. Never the less even the devil was a good musician in heaven or so we pastor says
hiyo Imekaa ki Sun-tzu zaidi kuliko Machiaveli
swahili version,"jinsi ya kumtega kunguru"Tom Bayeye
Either haijui ama hauelewi.