Ni Kubaya



Without the support of the US and Australia. Taiwan will be run over in a day. Like it or not China will invade Taiwan soon. And the US is willing to protect the. It’s just a question of who blinks first.
Xi Ping wants to stamp it as his legacy.

Taiwan and Hong Kong are part of China. Fvck NATO

What will NATO do about it? Bomb China?

Nothing good comes from attacking a tiny country.

Msito Xi anajipiga stick na haoni. Too drunk with power.

NATO goes after small dogs. Hii ni vita ya wazito. What did they do to Russia after they invaded Crimea?
Americans are tired of wars, Merkels party just got defeated yesterday, Macron is hugely unpopular in France plus corona did a number on them.

Wewe haunaga akili…kasiaa

China wacheze kitaliban. Fuck USA imperialism

Taiwan has never been a part of China.
Taiwan is an independent country, a thriving democracy and an advanced nation . Hong Kong was simply an autonomous region. There is a VAST difference
What does NATO have anything to do with Taiwan???
Also, the Taiwanese have no interest in being ruled by a Communist dictatorship

Russia has some degree of legitimate claim on Crimea . Crimea was a part of the Russian Soviet Federated Republic until Nikita Kruschev transferred it to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1954. At the time, the transfer made no difference because both were republics under the USSR.
The majority of the people in Crimea were ethnic Russians, not Ukrainians .

Taiwan is an entire ballgame
At no point in China’s history has the Chinese Communist Party ever ruled Taiwan. Taiwan has not been ruled by the mainland since the Qing Dynasty who ceded it to Japan, essentially, before even China had any semblance of a political establishment.
The Taiwanese have zero interest in being ruled by the CCP. We are not talking a few million people in one city like Hong Kong, but an entire country with over 20 million people. You cannot force tens of millions of people to like you and it is a general fact that Taiwanese do not want to be a part of a China controlled by Xi.
Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan has been promised US protection from the Mainland since the 1950s,which is why Taiwan gets top of the line US equipment for tens of billions of dollars, not hundreds.
Taiwanese independence is now also guaranteed by Japan, which btw, hosts over 20,000 US troops . Ukraine has never had such guarantees. In fact, if Putin invaded Ukraine today and took over Eastern and Southern Ukraine which are populated by ethnic Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians, there is little the US could do as Ukraine is not an American ally.
Taiwan however, is an American ally, which has access to American technology (where do you think TSMC gets its chip technology???). The US would most certainly go to war over Taiwan.
And given that it would most certainly be a nuclear war, the loser would be the nation with fewer nukes, which is China

If Taiwan is a part of China, then so is Vladivostok which is firmly a part of Russia today

Also, Taiwan is a latent nuclear power. It was developing nuclear weapons in the 70s because it faced the same pressures from Mao that it now faces today . Now it might go full Israel and actually make a working bomb in under a year. Taiwan, alongside Germany, Brazil, Japan and a number of European nations like Spain and Italy actually hold this status as latent nuclear powers, that is they have the capabilities to go nuclear but are unwilling(Japan, Taiwan and Germany) or limited by the NPT (the rest) from doing so.
Taiwan is not limited by the NPT. As it is not a part of it since 1976.

ww ropokwa ropokwa tu humu,china is unstoppable this centrury.

Lool! The same China that is now buying Australian coal after swearing that it would never do so ever again??? Lool!! Nope!!!

Taiwan is Chinese territory…
Ukraine ni Russia…
msito ping akinyemelea taiwan Putin anameza ukraine yote:D

Taiwan (Republic of China) is not even recognized by UN as an independent country; but it maintains diplomatic relations with only 14 out of the 193 UN member states (plus Holy See which is not in the UN).

Mzito Xi is throwing shiny objects… China is facing economic headwinds with the Evergrande default just the tip of an iceberg. Explains why they’ve banned crypto currency transactions too, escalating capital flight

Lower shebelle is kenya!

Kwa nini ndugu?