Isnt this kenyan dream so fucked up? Hata dunia ishapasuka.
Jubilee development loading. Main question is, are we increasing taxes so as to service loans, or is it for improving infrastructure. Kama ni ya ku service loans, can we told hiw the loan money was used ?
They are telling them to lamba lolo
I don’t know a lot about economic debt/political involvement etc but i tend to think we are in this situation not because we need to develop using loans but the so called developed countries know they will always benefit from our asses by killing us with loans.
Now comes lazy(sometimes claim to be well educated) but stupid African leaders, they want to see concrete jungles, get the same status as developed. A case of dick measuring contest BUT they will not think about more mouths to feed, more bodies to take care off(healthcare) more condoms for their appetite, of clothes; they will import.
They get that loan to please them all, paint roads with tar but the fields are brown with droughts, no innovations for the many mouths for already they said Africans never invent SHIT. We have been fend it, now we live with the burden of borrowing and paying, Harvard graduates say its safe, i say its common sense, “however feeds you, owns you”
Now we are going to hire doctors from Cuba, well, am lost!
Its just a matter of time the big start poking their noses into Singaporian affairs.Kidogo usikie mashida zimeanza kuvamia hiyo nchi
Wewe peleka siasa ya pesa mbili mbali. Warning and national security are two different things.
I would like to know how those who were mature enough during Moi’s reign felt?
Yaani hizo madeni enzi za Moi waliskia aje?
kodi lazima ilipwe
Nice input. How and why is then that a majority of debt messes up a people,countries,organizations ?
My thinking is:
a) A large portion of the debt goes into private bank accounts;
b) Investments are done in non-vital sectors;
c) Investments are looked at as an end rather than a means
Kudos @byro
Honestly the moment you take debt is the moment you start gambling with poverty and misery.
Take for example. You earn 10k and spend only 10k. When you will ever be in trouble for debt defaulting?
So our remedy can only be NOT taking any more debt. Right?
Dont talk about my dad, boss. Talk about YOURS ok?
Tano terror
KWANZA change the title from nikubaya talkers to JUBILEE DEVELOPMENT :MORE TAXES
That comment you made deserved that. Honestly you will die paying for a debt you never took just like me.
All we can do is whine
Eurobond II will mature in 30yrs. By then i will be 62yo. How many regimes are those? 3 fucking regimes.
If you think about Kenya, you’ll become depressed. Its like being in a sinking ship in the middle of choppy waters with an alcoholic pilot and a thief tout. You just eat,make merry and live to see another day. And try to focus on countries doing much worse so that you can feel lucky. Thats how Victor Frankyl survived the holocaust, he escaped through his mind and didnt let the environment get him down. Hope springs eternal.
Complaining is bad for the soul. Let us remain optimistic
And why do you keep posting here videos of oo jubilee this mara jubilee that? Mara uhuru oo mara uhuru that?
Currently in Kenya with the kind of governance structures, yes.
We should also look into reducing our recurrent expenditure.