Ni Kama Malaysian MH370 Imepatikana

The disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines flight, carrying 239 passengers and crew, is one of the world’s biggest aviation mysteries.
But a British aeronautical engineer, who has spent more than a year working on the disaster, has calculated where MH370 crashed.
Richard Godfrey believes the Boeing 777 crashed into the Indian Ocean 2,000km west of Perth, Western Australia.
The aircraft vanished from radar during a flight in March 2014.


Mr Godfrey told the BBC he hoped “we’ll be able to give closure to the next of kin and answers to the flying public and the aviation industry on exactly what happened with MH370 and how we prevent that in the future”.
He combined different data sets that were previously kept in separate domains, to align to this new location in the Southern Indian Ocean.
Mr Godfrey said it was a “complicated exercise”, but previously there was simply a lack of lateral thinking, across multiple disciplines, to bring this together.
“No one had the idea before to combine Inmarsat satellite data, with Boeing performance data, with Oceanographic floating debris drift data, with WSPR net data,” he said.
Mr Godfrey said work with a team has been progressing for a year now, and “we’ve done quite a lot of testing of this new idea and we’ve came to the confidence to apply it to MH370”.
The exact point determined by data calculations is around 33 degrees south and 95 degrees east in the Indian Ocean.
There have been two extensive searches of the Indian Ocean for MH370, which have yielded inconclusive results.

Aliens took it

Aliens have no need for a human plane with backward technology.

That is assuming all aliens are hyper advanced.

It’s a remote lokeshen Wadaus.

Illuminati ndio iliwamanga huko deep sea when they were plotting about covid scamdemic.

It is not an assumption, interstellar and possibly intergalactic travel from their home to ours proves they are far more advanced than we could even imagine. If they come here, they are not coming for our technology which would look like stone tools to them.

I never said anything about interstellar travel though. I’m just questioning if all aliens are hyper advanced. We have never met them so we don’t know for sure, we can only rely on theories like the Kardashev scale, same way people rely on religion to make sense of god. Also archeology is a thing. Modern scientists don’t study early man so they can replicate their primitive technology.

Yes, all aliens that reach earth are superadvanced. In our Solar star system, we only have Earth as the habitable planet. Therefore, any alien coming here MUST have come from a different star system (interstellar travel) the closest one being Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years away. If an alien can travel 4.2 light years it means they have already mastered things like antimatter, wormholes and warp drives. A human plane would be a useless relic to them.

You see you keep talking about aliens capable of interstellar travel whereas I am talking about aliens in general.

You don’t understand, we have only 8 planets in our solar system, 7 have no life. So where is the alien coming from? A different star.

Iko Siberia ya kijiji

Respectfully, I struggle believing that those creatures exist. I know there are billions of planets and at no chance you want to tell me that only earth has life i.e one in a tenth billion… regardless I have never seen a live picture of alien… just hearsay… same as that 10 foot tall human like creature once seen in northwest America called “big foot”… just hearsay

Only earth has life in OUR solar system. There could be life in other star systems but they are too far to tell.

Don`t ever bother yourself to read articles on newspapers,blogs,sites e.t.c with titles ending in a question mark ( ? )

Ikifika kwa light years hapa ndio nyinyi hunipoteza.

Alien ziko even America have started declassify their records. Fighter jet pilot have been spotting hizo UFO zao.

So you agree it’s all hearsay … look at what I underlined

They’re not coming or going anywhere. Thats why I’m not mentioning travel at all. You keep bringing that in to support your point of them being too advanced to be bothered with our technology, whereas I’m wondering if every single alien lifeform that exists in the universe is more advanced than humankind.

But no one has seen the real alien… just objects flying