Hehehehe…now you see why you must choose a facility. Pesa yako itatumwa huko. You however will not be denied treatment anywhere else merely on that account, no. Ideally, any other facility should treat you then bill your ‘home’ facility.
I thought you only choose a health facility for outpatient services but for admission, it can be any facility.
You can relax ,wamextend to next Friday
Knowing Kenyans and their last minute habit, is this registration so serious that people will be locked out of hospitals?
Hii info nimepata hapa,Sisi tunafanya mashinani mbona hatujajulishwa? Hio deadline lazima waextend…maafaka wao.
Boss, it’s been in the media since before christmas 2015.
Too bad sikujua,shit hit the fan during the holiday, anyway lazima watatushughulikia,We pay them every month.